Chapter 54

Jake was waiting for me when I came out of the bathroom, my hair combed and put up in a messy bun. He stood up, walked over to me, and grabbed my hips.

“Sweetheart, you look beautiful. Are you feeling okay?” Before I could answer, he pressed his lips to mine, and it was several minutes before I could catch my breath again

“I’m a little sore, but it’s not my ribs or anything like that; you were so careful,” I admitted, turning a lovely shade of pink at just acknowledging to one of my guys that he was the cause of the ache between my legs.

Jake kissed my cheek and nipped at my car, making me giggle and squirm in his hold. “I’m sorry I made you so sore, sweet girl. Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?” He growled in my ear. I wiggled in his hold, as an image of him laying on the bed, head between my legs, as he made my stretched–out pussy feel better with his hot tongue seared a permanent picture in my imagination. My core clenched, and I knew I was getting wet. I groaned as Jake continued to tell me exactly what he was going to do to me the next time he had a chance.

“Jake, I will need a shower if you keep this up. I can’t go downstairs with no panties and soaking

wet.” I warned.

“Oh sweetheart, just you wait,” Jake smirked and, taking my hand, led me out of the bedroom.

When we entered the living room, I saw Josh on the couch watching a TV show, and Drew and Mike were in the kitchen getting dinner together. I didn’t see Patrick, but I’m sure he was somewhere close by. Giving my hand a final squeeze, he left me in the living room and went to help Drew and Mike with dinner.

hetween his legs. I sat down carefully, mindful of my no–panty state. I didn’t want to flash Josh accidentally or anyone else. Josh pulled me closer, and he must have decided he wanted me on his lap because he shifted his legs and lifted me, placing me on his lap. “Come here, baby, let me hold you “I moved closer to him, laying my head against his chest. He pushed my hair out of my face. “How are you feeling?” He asked, wrapping his arms around me as I snuggled closer. I never felt safer than when I was in

relaxed,” I admitted, trying and failing to hide the enormous yawn

Josh quietly murmured in my car. Reaching behind him, he pulled a

a nap.” I protested as Josh began running his fingers through my

anything. Close your eyes for me, baby, just for a few minutes.” As he whispered to me, I could feel my eyes getting heavy, and no matter how hard I fought it, I could feel my eyes closing. The last thing I remember was the feeling of his fingers running through my hair, and I thought he had found

next thing I knew, Josh rubbed my arm, telling me it was time to wake up and that dinner was ready. I grunted, burrowing under the

waist and burying my face into his side. Josh sighed, releasing his hold on the blanket. He began stroking his hand up and down my back, but I didn’t loosen my hold on

is almost ready.” Josh brushed my

muffled from being buried

I’m not going anywhere,” Josh promised, brushing his fingers through my hair again. I fell back asleep with my arms still wrapped around

I slept, but

ever gotten, even

rest?” I nodded, rubbing my eyes and trying to sit up. Josh pulled me onto his lap, leaving an arm around my waist so I wouldn’t fall. You missed dinner, baby. Would you like something

into the kitchen, and pulled a covered plate out of the fridge. Uncovering it. he stuck it in the microwave to warm out and, taking my hand, led me over to the table, pulling out my chair like a gentleman. I smiled at him. Now that I was

everyone?” I asked, looking around

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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