hapter 56

ber cuddling on the couch a little longer, Josh stood up and helped me to my feet. He took my hand without saying anything and led me upstairs to y bathrooms. Turning the shower on and adjusting the temperature, he returned to me.

Vill you let me take care of you, baby girl?” Josh asked, resting his hands on my hips and pulling me closer to him. “Shower you, wash your hair and ur body. Please, baby, let me do this for you.” I stepped up to Josh, wrapping my arms around his neck.

If course, Josh, you can do that whenever you want. I love it when you guys do that. It’s so nice to let go, knowing you will care for me.” I rested my tad against his heart, relaxing into him as he tightened his hold.

hank you, baby girl,” Josh said, turning us so he could face the shower. He tested the water temperature, swept me in his arms, and carried me into e shower. I giggled as he refused to put me down until we were both under the rainfall shower head. He carefully set me on my feet, not letting go til he was sure I was steady. Smiling at me, he the tip of my nose.

There you go, my little soaked kitten.” He grinned, stepping back. When I looked at him with a questioning look, he explained. You look like one of tose videos where the kitten has just had a bath, and their fur is all plastered against their bodies.”

That’s mean, I’m telling.” 1 pouted. However, it did not have the desired effect because all Josh did was laugh. He came closer, leaning in for a quick iss, then reached behind me for the shampoo bottle.

put your claws away and enjoy me taking care of you.” Sighing dramatically, I turned so I

the guys later,” I conceded. Josh just snorted and continued to massage my scalp. Once he had washed, rinsed, and conditioned my hair, esh pulled me a little further out of the water, and he spent a very long

think that nipple is clean.” I laughed after

out of my hair. Once satisfied that it was all out of my hair, he turned off the shower and took two towels off the warming rack he had turned on before we got in the shower, Sighing happily he quickly dried me off before wrapping the second

me the bedrooms. I found a tank top and shorts, then taking a clean bra and panties with me, I went back into the bedroom

to the shower to clean up, so I told him I would be downstairs. My hair was still

coffee table. I paused, watching all the guys, then decided Patrick would be the most sympathetic to my story of being called a wet cat.

you had a nice shower, Patrick

all burst out laughing. Patrick tried his hardest not to join in, but his body shook with the effort. “You’re all mean.” I crossed

my mind, and I wondered if he would be like this when he became a father someday. I began laughing at the image of the enormous tattooed man trying to reason with two small children arguing over something they both wanted simultaneously. The

been like that since I was little, and I have no problem breaking up disagreements within our house full of kids, Patrick said, looking

helpfully. That made me pale, and the guys

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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