Chapter 84

By the time Kayna rang the doorbell at noon, Evelyn and Samantha had finished baking the cookies and were snuggling together, watching an episode of Dora the Explorer.

Evelyn answered the door with a bright smile. “You’re right on time,” she said, holding out the door for Rayna

“If I could come at the crack of Dawn, I would have, I could barely sleep a wink last night cause I was too busy wondering about your big reveal,” Rayna said as she walked past Evelyn, and Evelyn laughed.

“Ray, I’d like to introduce you to someone,” Evelyn said just as Rayna walked into the house.

Rayna stopped abruptly when her eyes landed on Samantha, who was standing some feet away. Immediately, her expression softened. “Oh my goodness, who is this line angel?” she asked, glancing at Evelyn suspiciously before returning her attention to Samantha.

“Hello! What’s your name? Rayna asked as she crouched down to Samantha’s level.

“Samantha,” Samantha said shyly as she looked from Rayna to her mother and then hack again.

Evelyn smiled proudly. The little angel is my daughter. Rayna, meet my daughter, Samantha. Haby, this is mummy’s close friend, Rayna.” Evelyn introduced, and Rayna looked at her with questioning eyes but decided to leave the questions for later

“And this is Maya, Samantha’s nanny.”

  1. ny. Evelyn said, gesturing to Maya, whom Rayna acknowledged with a curt nod.

Rayna beamed at Samantha. “Aren’t you just

st the most adorable little girl? You look beautiful, just like your mom, Hayna said, genuinely in love with Samantha

Samantha giggled, “Thank you.

You look p

pretty, too, and you smile like cake, Samantha said with a smile, and Rayna laughed as she embraced her.

“I do, don’t Do you like cakes!” Rayna asked, and Samantha babbed her head.

some when next I come around.” Rayna promised as she

Maya, and she

softening. “She really is an adorable child, she

smile grew. “Yes, the is. She’s my greatest blessing, she


“I can’t imagine my life without

you didn’t let me visit before or

sit down. I have so much I want to share with you,” Evelyn said, and together, they walked into the living room and sat on

Rayna asked the moment

her head, her expression growing serious. “No. Samantha is not Michael’s daughter. What can I get you! Tea? Coffee!

fine. I smell cookies. Can I have some! I want to eat something I didn’t bake for a change,”

at her. “Go on. Evie. I want to hear

book smart, but she was good at deducing things apart from when it came to who tapped her ass

“I’s not a commcndence

Does that mean you cheated?” Rayna asked,

shook her head, “No, I didn’t. It’s a long story, Ray, I don’t know where

a grit,

clothes. You can take your time. We can

start with the reason I called off the wedding.” Evelyn said and went on to tell Kayna bow she had walked

12:16 PM d

Chapter 84

asked in

were,” she said, and

my god, Evie! That must have been terrible!” Rayna said, reaching out to grab Evelyn’s hand

can’t imagine how devastated I was. I was shocked, heartbroken, confused,

Rayna said, and Evelyn went on to tell her how she had run into Derek and everything that

surprise to understanding as Evelyn continued. When Evelyn finally finished, Rayna didn’t know what to

head, “I don’t know how you’re so calm Evie, but if I were in your shoes, that bitch would be six feet under

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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