Chapter 90

Derek’s mother blinked, clearly taken aback by the sudden barrage of questions. Her face tightened with disbelief, and she shook her head slowly as if trying to comprehend what her son was implying.

“Where are all these questions coming from?” Although her voice was steady, it held an undercurrent of confusion.

“From my heart. Mom. I really want to know if having lunch with Sandra one time is enough for you to claim you know her or her stability for me, Derek said, his voice quiet but firm.

“What are you trying to suggest That I don’t know what’s best for you? That Sandra isn’t good enough? She told me well during your date. What changed? Did that witch come here to hypnotier you and change your mind?” She asked, her confusion apparent

e that you both got along really

by you’re pushing n

“Leave Evelyn out of this, Mom. I’m asking you why you really think Sandra is good enough for me. I want to know why! marry her so strongly when you’ve only met her in person once.

“I’ve met her once, but Michael has known her for years..”

“Exactly my point! Have you asked yourself the reason Michael, of all people, is recommending that I marry her? He’s single, too, Mom. Why doesn’t he marry her himself if he thinks she’s such a good catch? Doesn’t he need a good wife?”

“Michael is only looking out for you..”

“How do you know that? How can you be so sure that he doesn’t have another motive?” Derek

“Because Michael is my nephew, she uid, her voice clipped, as if that explained everything

“And I’m your son Derek countered, his voice barely above a whisper, the hurt in his eyes plain to see. “Or does that not count for anything anymore? He tells you a woman is good enough for me, and you want me to marry her, but you won’t let me be with the woman I know is good for me?” Derek asked angrily.

face softened into something more guarded, her eyes narrowing as she regarded him carefully. “What has come over you, Derek! You never used to talk back to me like this.

to the surface, “No. It is not because of Evelyn. It is because I do not understand you anymore. This has nothing to do with Evelyn. It is about you forcing me into something I don’t want and you not trusting me to make my own decisions. Up until now. I’ve obeyed you and let you dictate my life, but this time is different! This is about my future! It is about deciding the

her voice rising “What do you mean I am frustrating you! I am only doing what any mother who loves her son would do. You think I don’t know what’s good

it’s a good idea. You want to protect me? Then trust me to make my own choices! Why do you trust him so much? Why do you trust him more than your own

entering his office to take out the bug, but he knew that if he did, she would most likely

to keep it to herself. He couldn’t have that. He needed a more solid proot.

caught off guard by the accusation and a stunned silence fell between them. She straightened her posture, her

future to think abour, Derek, and she is not a part of that future,” she said, her tone hard and ful, like

point. “I won’t stay away from her. I don’t want to stay

mother’s eyes flashed with fury. What did you just

told you when you asked me it lud a girlfriend or someone I liked shortly after

What does that have to

do I tell you?” Dick asked,

Chapter 90


had left out the

her. And guess what? That girl is Evelyn,” Derek

you trying to say?” She

her until I gave up and decided to leave it to

you from being with her, Derek. Do you have any idea how much pain and humiliation

of our family.

love at first sight or

“I want you

get it, Mom. The accident happened on the day before their wedding. She wasn’t with any lover. She was with me.” Derek said, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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