Chapter 94

Seated in her car, Sandra’s heart pounded heavily, the adrenaline from the confrontation still coursing through her veint

The fury and humiliation from Evelyn’s words seared her mind. Sandra’s thoughts were erratic, tangled beteren rage and disbelief

Knowing that Michard was most likely going to hear what had happened from his aunt, Sandra contemplated going to Michael’s offer. However, when she remembered that they had agreed in limit physical meetings to avoid raising suspicion, she decided to call him after she put back to her.

That was safer. There, she could think clearly without the emotions of the moment clouding her judgment.

Sandra gritted her teeth, forcing herself to calm down. She reminded herself that she needed to stick to the plan. They couldn’t afford to be reckless now, not when things were at such a crucial point.

Taking a deep breath, she started her car and returned to her office. The drive back was a blur of angry thoughts, and her mind was so comumed by her encounter with Evelyn that she barely paid attention to what was going on around her.

How could things spinal out of control so quickly? She had Derek right where she wanted him, or to she thought, and then Evelyn showed up. trying to throw a wrench in her plan.

ig wheel too figlely

By the time Sandra reached the company, her knackles were stiff from gripping the steering

As she approached her office, she tried to think about how best to explain the situation to Michael, Even though she genuinely wanted Derek for henell now, she knew she still needed Michael to achieve that.

Sandra froge when she pushed the door to her office open. And her heart skipped a heat when she saw that Michael was already there, seated in her chair, his eyes dark with barely restrained anger.

He was taken aback when his aunt phoned him earlier and asked him to calm Sandra down so that she wouldn’t be too upset about what Evelyn had done. He was curious about the situation, and that’s when she informed him about receiving Sandra’s distress phone call and her subsequent visit to the hotel.

of the

the way he was staring at her, scared her. The

Michael’s voice was low but filled with

she began cautiously, “but

response. “I was going t agreed to limit our menting. I was

slightly. “What are you up to! Why haven’t you

his directness. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” she said defensively, “I

was a good idea to involve

Like a

“Do you even realize what you’ve done? You went and called his mother. Do you really thank Derck

to do something! I didn’t expect Evelyn to interfere the way she dat She’s still hanging around

rid of

supposed to handle things like an adult, not like some desperate food clinging to

but fought in

Michael. You wouldn’t be saying all thin if you heard

eyes. “What did

memory of the confrontation resurfaced. “She said she wanted Derek for herself. She said he was

exjorasion darkened, has jas glaring “She and that in front of

12:18 PM dd

Chapter 94

office earlier when I

“What is wrong with you? Do you even think before you act? Evelyn could have recorded the entire conversation! She’s smarter than you give

credit for.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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