Chapter 339 Realizing the Truth

He doesn’t have Matthew as a friend? Veronica thought. She then tried looking through the messages while conversing with Yvonne. As she scrolled through the numerous messages on the phone, she came to a stop upon seeing the name ‘Matthew Kings’ on the list.

Without hesitation, she immediately tapped into the message. However, the content of Matthew’s message made Veronica’s pupils constrict, as Veronica felt a burst of anger come rising inside her.

The content of the message was photos of her ‘sleeping’ with the upper part of her body naked. Although the quilt had covered the upper half of her body, one could still faintly see that she was wearing her birthday suit under the comforter. Furthermore, Xavier was seen holding the ‘sleeping’ Veronica in his arms while he planted a kiss on her forehead.

As for the second photo, it was the same as the first photo where Veronica was ‘sleeping,’ except Xavier was smiling smugly at the camera.

At that moment, she blanked from the heavy blow she received upon the sight of these photos. The blow hurt so much that she couldn’t get her words out for some time, even though Yvonne was still on the other end of the line talking to her.

Instantly, Veronica’s left hand that was holding the phone tightened its grip to the point where the veins in her hand became visible, while her face grew red with anger.

With the anger she felt, she proceeded to plug the sinkhole in the basin, fill it with water, and throw Xavier’s phone into the pool of water; she knew that he could use these photos to threaten Matthew one day, as he had the gall to even send these photos to Matthew.

At this moment, only the sound of the water splashing from the faucet to the water-filled basin echoed inside the room. Veronica propped her hands on the basin with her head down and eyes closed, as she only had one thing in her mind—retaliation; a through and through retaliation.

All this time, Veronica had treated Xavier as a friend. She had even chosen not to pursue the matter back at the wedding out of consideration of their friendship. Yet, not only were Xavier and Melissa ungrateful, but they had done such a thing behind her back. “Blegh—” Suddenly, she felt a wave of nausea overcoming her, as she couldn’t imagine just what Xavier had actually done to her that night.

undressed her and put them back on before she woke up. However, she was completely in the dark as

and started flowing out onto the floor. The sound of the water splashing onto the floor then woke Veronica who was drowning in deep thought. With her senses returned, she quickly turned

already turned off, Veronica knew that the phone sinking into the water while still on a call had accelerated the damage to the phone’s components. After that,

the phone could not be switched on anymore, Veronica took a deep breath and adjusted her emotions before she went back outside with the now-ruined phone in her hand. However, the sight of Xavier standing outside greeted her when she opened the door. Thus, the two pairs of


friend of hers were no more, as she truly hated the man before her at this

I had a stomach ache, so I went to the washroom, but… I accidentally dropped your phone into the toilet bowl. Since it smelled bad, I could only… wash it for you. I’m really sorry about this.” Good thing she had

have you done?” Xavier frowned with his attention focused on the phone in Veronica’s hand. Feeling disgusted, he hesitated in taking back

this. Mainly because some of it… got onto

kind!” Having not the slightest doubt about Veronica’s words, Xavier looked around before going into the washroom and came back out with a bunch of tissues in hand. He then used the

into the toilet when I stood up. Even I felt disgusted when I had to fish your phone out of the toilet.” Saying that, she purposely

aside, I need to hurry and

Can’t you accompany me to

important information for the company. I’ll need the phone fixed, or else I’ll have

“Then, I’ll accompany you.”

have it repaired before coming

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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