Winston's hand trembled when he held the glass of water. "It's time to get my will ready."

Feeling bitter, Neil stopped him. "Mr. Winston!"

"Nothing to worry about. All the business tycoons here and abroad do the same. They'll prepare their will at this age just in case anything happens." Winston stared at Neil solemnly.

He began, "Neil, I can't discuss this matter with my wives. They're too kind and gentle to accept it. I can't turn to my kids, too. I might appear rich and glamorous on the outside, but as their dad, I gave them a lot of trouble. I know what I have done.

"That's why I can only bring up this matter with you. You're the only one I trust."

Neil lamented, "But Mr. Winston, you said you'd like to see all your children married and settled down. You wanted a bunch of grandchildren."

time to wait. Jonah, Silas, Cyrus, and that brat Axel are either busy with work or busy serving Jesus. None of them will give me what I want." Winston sighed

rang from an incoming call. He immediately picked up,

Winston inquired, "What's wrong?"

After a pause, Neil announced, "Mr. Jameson is here. He's at the

his teeth as his expression

refuse to see him, I'll

"Get him up here."

surprised. "But Mr. Winston, we can't read him. Besides, you've just

the table with a brooding look in his eyes. "He's not just Jameson Schmidt; he's the president of the Schmidt Group. Things are different now. He's not someone I can brush aside without

he's a calculative and scheming guy. Otherwise, he wouldn't have immediately paid a visit to me at the office right after I had recovered. The visit is an attempt to snoop

into Winston's office, looking dapper

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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