Winston suddenly felt moisture seep from between his legs. Warm liquid trickled down his pants leg and to the floor.

Neil was stunned to his core. But he swiftly recovered and yelled out, "The meeting is over. All of you are dismissed immediately!"

Winston slowly looked down at the small puddle of water by his feet, mind blank. He'd always lived his life proud and lustrous, never in such a pathetic and hideous state.

A great wave of shame consumed Winston, washing away the fear and pain from his illness. As the head of his family and company, he felt incredibly humiliated right now.

Just then, two rows of bodyguards filed into the room and got everyone out as soon as possible before securing the entrance.

Dominic sneakily pulled out his phone, wanting to record this humiliating moment. But before he could even start recording a video, pain shot through his wrist, making him release the phone.

in front of him was Jasper, who was now holding his phone

the floor and stomped on it with his foot,

You!" Dominic exclaimed angrily,

the shards of the phone away. "I'll have someone

not so petty," Dominic ground out angrily. Still, he decided to leave before he suffered any more losses. Before he left, he said coldly to Winston, "Take care of yourself, Winston. I'm

Dominic then swiftly left.

latter held onto Winston's hand, tears falling down his cheeks. "Hold on, Mr.

an ambulance." Winston was choked

this news doesn't leak out. as much as

puddle of liquid on the floor. His heart pained as he saw Alyssa's father

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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