Alyssa crouched down by the couch and gently nudged Winston. She said in the softest tone she could muster, "What's wrong? Feeling shy? Oh, Winston. It's no big deal. Who in their right mind would be so obsessed over something like this? That'd be a terrible testament to their character.

"Plus, our family owns KS Group. If I were to take a dump out by the entrance, the directors and staff would have no choice but to stay silent about it!"

Both Jasper and Neil were at a loss for words.

They knew Alyssa was trying to console Winston, but there were better ways to console someone— better analogies to be used.

Winston remained silent with his back toward Alyssa.

"You've been through so many ups and downs in life, Winston. You're not going to let this little hurdle drag you down, are you?" Alyssa was getting more anxious now. "Hey, Winston! Can you pull yourself together? You still have so many wives and kids to look after. What do we do if you don't toughen up?"

"Lyse," Winston finally said. His voice was so hoarse Alyssa could barely make out what was being said. "I must be such a disappointment to you, huh?"

are you talking

I'm sure all of you must find me a handful to deal with." Winston

early. If she'd seen me in

that he was revealing his most

Alyssa croaked out,


a step forward, standing side by

at you, struck you. and even continuously tried to separate you and Lyse. I know I was wrong for doing all that, so now. I sincerely hope you'll forgive me. I'm sorry,

He stammered, "N-No, sir. Please don't think that way! I've never blamed you for what you did or thought you were in the wrong. You really

also manage your family business

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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