Winston's voice boomed through the hall. "Even if you lack business acumen, Mr. Schmidt, a little observation goes a long way at your age. Can't you tell my daughter and Mr. Jasper are ride-or-die with Landon?"

Jameson was caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events. He remained silent, his face pale with embarrassment.

Winston's recovery and return from overseas to stand by the Harper family spoke volumes. No one would dare to look down on Landon anymore.

"Let's go, Jimmy," Victor said tersely, realizing it wasn't wise to prolong the confrontation with his former ally. With a darkened expression, he strode out of the hall.

Jameson adjusted his glasses and trailed after Victor.

out without looking back, his voice carrying a tone of admonishment. "Even if you wished to appear sincere, you should have ensured you did it properly and spared yourself the embarrassment. Instead, you chose

eye for an eye, a tooth for

gritted his teeth in silent fury

in silence, their efforts at the funeral having come to naught.

ill-tempered! Cornelius is dead, for heaven's sake. What was the point of saying those things? Look at what you've done. You've invited trouble and

on attending the funeral. If you had listened to me and

could you

trembled with anger, meeting Jameson's cold gaze with his own. He managed to quell his outburst,

have this conversation," Victor spat, "you remain a disappointment! You can't even handle a woman! If you'd secured Alyssa, none of this would be happening! The Schmidt Group has now outshined the Beckett Group. If you had become Winston's son-in-law, we might have even acquired the Harper Group. Landon would have been left with nowhere to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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