Winston's gaze drifted into the distance. "His life took this turn because of you. He ended up confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his days, enduring years of solitude abroad.

"Now that he has returned, he saw firsthand how you've captivated the Beckett Group, achieving remarkable success. He's watched as you've claimed what rightfully belongs to him as the eldest son of the Beckett family.

"Can he truly find peace, surrender everything to you, and live a life of luxury and leisure?"

"Justin has been undergoing treatment in Mosgravia all this time. We've kept in touch through emails and calls. He used to go out of his way to support me whenever I needed it.

"Your words make sense, but I just can't imagine my brother holding any animosity toward me." Jasper laid out everything he knew for Winston, fully aware of the implications.

Winston clicked his tongue in disapproval. "You're a divorced CEO. How can you be so naive?"

Jasper couldn't help but feel chastised, though a part of him felt a strange exhilaration. It was no wonder Landon hinted that Jasper had a streak of masochism.

Unless there's something wrong with his brain, why would he wear his heart on

guard down. In wealthy families, even siblings from the same mother fight for power and personal gain, let alone a half-brother from a different

Carl interjected from the passenger seat. "Look at your

semblance of intelligence. They either pretend to be virtuous or strive to be the golden child in public," Winston retorted angrily, shaking his

utterly worthless. Most families would fight tooth and nail for their inheritance, but ours is a rare exception. Even if you handed them the inheritance on a silver platter, they'd

know how to

They were truly exceptional— intelligent and talented. They hadn't shied away from the family's responsibilities; rather, they had

of the car and watched


walking toward

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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