As a business tycoon who once stood shoulder to shoulder with Winston, the news of Victor's death should have been locked down. Only when the situation was more stable would they make a public announcement.

Unexpectedly, various media outlets fought to release the news, and it spread across the city like wildfire.

Jameson was the one who released the news. As of now, he was the only one left from the Schmidt family, so naturally, he would inherit the company. He finally got his wish. He climbed over mountains of corpses to reach the height of Schmidt Group's power.

In the hospital's rest area, Jameson sat up straight on a black leather couch. His arms rested on the armrest naturally and with an air of authority. He closed his eyes and started imagining himself sitting on a throne.

"Dad, in my 30 over years of life, this is the best present you've given me. Thank you for this. Rest in peace." Knocks sounded at the door, and Jameson answered. Carl entered, followed by another man dressed in a suit and leather shoes, carrying a briefcase.

Then, Carl locked the door.

sit." Jameson

he Schmidt Group's legal advisor, but he was also a private lawyer for the entire Schmidt family.


but it was clear that he was

more or less settled. They were just waiting for the next board meeting to announce officially that Schmidt Group was under his control, so

read his will to me. After all, I'm the only living relative left in the Schmidt family." Jason

documents had barely seen the light when Jameson sprang up from his seat and grabbed

line after line; the words reflected in his dark and unsettling eyes. He stood still for a long time. Even Jason, who was experienced in difficult situations, felt on edge. Cold sweat trickled down his back. Finally, Jameson finished the whole will. His

this is what my biological father is capable of doing." Not only that, Victor also abolished the hereditary succession system in Schmidt Group, overturning a decades-old method of passing on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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