In his deep sleep, Winston furrowed his brows tightly, and his fingers twitched reflexively. Perhaps he was dreaming, or perhaps it was a telepathic connection with his daughter, Alyssa.

"Was Mom... a member of the royal family?" Liam held his breath.

Alyssa shook her head. "I don't know. Even if she were and got chased out for sreason, there wouldn't be absolutely no record of her.

"So, I'm guessing that she might have been someone from the palace or someone connected to the royal family. However, I'm not sure about the specifics. After all, we aren't familiar with the situation in Kontina at all.

as she clasped her hands together. "There was probably skind of grudge between Mom and the Kontinian royal family that forced her

we're from a wealthy family, he never pressured us into marriage alliances. He wanted us to find happiness on our own terms." Tears welled up in Liam's eyes as he knelt beside Winston's bed, holding his father's wrinkled hands. "Yet, he's so against Yules and me. Maybe your theory is worth exploring, Lyse. Maybe there's something dark in Mom's past with the Kontinan royals. That could explain Dad's strong reaction." Upon hearing that, Alyssa

lenient with his and Jennifer's five children, indulging them to a fault. In contrast, he

to someone from Kontina, tried to arrange a marriage alliance for

children with Jennifer differently. For Alyssa, he only put up a strict front. Whether it was her stint with Doctors Without Borders or other rebellious moments, he

to marry tand tagain? If Jennifer reciprocated Winston's love and their life was blissful, why did she allow him to marry again and again? Why didn't she stop him and even becclose

have a clean break with Yules. I won't have any contact with her anymore." Liam's breathing hitched as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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