"I'm sorry, Lyse." Winston shut his eyes, which were now welled up with tears. "I can't tell you the reason. But please trust me on one thing-what your mother and I had was eternal. She's the only one I love, even till today."


"Truth be told, during those days when I was really ill, there was one thing I thought about every day. I thought about giving up on treatment and just letting it all go. That way, I would be able to be reunited with your mother in heaven sooner."

Alyssa rested her head on Winston's knees and let out a long sigh.

The ambiguity of Winston's response made her feel even more troubled.

It gave her an even stronger desire to pursue the truth about Jennifer's life story.

Xavier was startled to see Jasper returning to his room. "That was a quick proposal, Mr. Beckett! Did madam say 'yes'?"

Jasper shook his head dejectedly. "I didn't propose."

"What? Why not? This is such a great opportunity!"

"I'll wait for another chance in the future."

Jasper wasn't keen to go into too much detail. He simply came up with an excuse and said, "I have to be ready with my own preparations in order to propose. Using Landon and Lauren's wedding as a stepping stone doesn't seem like a good idea. It also appears insincere."

Xavier pondered for a moment. Then, he sighed, "I suppose so."

at his reflection in the full-length mirror. He was reminded of Lyla's compliments on his suit and cheered up. A blissful smile spread across

only one for me in this life. She's not going anywhere

following day. It would be participated by people in the upper-class societies and they would

lover. He went to bed early happily once he heard that he would be able to taste wines the next

next morning, he was woken up by the sound of an alarm.

sleep from his eyes. Suddenly,

message from Jonah. "Dad called me

I've packed everything

is in the living

his lips together. With a sweet smile on his

He's doing well. By

dress code for

prepared an outfit for you to wear to

the living roo Enjoy your breakfast and change into that outfit. I'll

face emoji in reply before

was a scrumptious spread of breakfast on the table. But Julien was

pure white formal suit. Even its bow tie, lapel pin, and leather shoes were carefully chosen to match his

too attentive of Jonah,

outfit, Julien first had breakfast after washing up. After that, he changed

looked at his striking reflection in the mirror. For some reason, he had this feeling

for attending an event. Instead, it looked more suited for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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