No one would enjoy being next to a crying woman. How annoying would that be?

Furthermore, when Ning Ran cried, it wasn't like any other women. She wailed exaggeratedly.

When they reached town, it was already 11.30 p.m.

“Where are the kids?” Ning Ran asked Nan Chen.

“At home.”

“At home?”

“At their home.”

Ning Ran was creeped out by this reply. What did he mean at “their” home?

She was sure that there was some hidden meaning there.

“It's already so late. I wonder if they are waiting for me.” Ning Ran said.

Nan Chen did not reply.

When they reached Cheng Xiangyun's apartment, Nan Chen parked his car. “I have something to say to you.” He told Ning Ran.

“I have something to say to you too.” Ning Ran felt more at ease now that they had reached their destination.

However, to make sure Nan Chen was not able to drive off again, she wound down her windows.

Not feeling fully assured, she opened the car door too, so that there was no way Nan Chen could lock her in the car.

“Do you still call yourself a man? You ignored a woman's car sickness, and left her out in the wilderness. Did you realize how despicable that was?” Ning Ran started raising her voice, as she recalled the events of the night.

Nan Chen was stunned.

with this woman, but her wails were too annoying, and he was not

had reached their destination, he intended to leave after saying what he wanted to say. He didn't expect that this woman would start first by saying all

feel so righteous when she is having an affair and neglecting

have realized how despicable your behavior was. Are you very smug? Do you think everyone has to listen to

were at least better than your poker-faced brother. You were warmer and more compassionate. But you are

never got into arguments with anyone. In fact, he had

not know how to react

he wanted without even lifting a finger. He never had

ounce of additional energy saying

woman, he had only one sentence to say: Let's not bring up the topic of you entering the Nan family

to marry into the Nan family, we

Chen did not seem to be able to express such a simple

acting, she was also topnotch in memorizing her

when she showed her prowess, Nan Chen

Blah blah blah.

grievances caused

only that, he also refused to listen to her

getting married anymore. You are free to

just said the very thing he had waited so long to

say it first! Now it seems like she is

a world of difference! It was supposed to be the Nan family rejecting her. A

Xing would have been able to return her verbal attacks. But this man in white right now

was, he would never behave like a

was the

scram too! Go somewhere far away. You are an ungentlemanly, ungracious, unsympathetic person born with a silver spoon!

she was afraid that Nan Chen would direct his anger towards her. So she hurried out and slammed the car

car engine squealed like a beast as Nan Chen

the speed of the car, one would immediately know how furious the driver

had forgotten something important. The kids! The kids are

Xing immediately, but his phone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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