Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Subsequently, they handled Mayer and took him.

On that moment the emergency teams rushed to go to the track to serve Adelina, who remained trapped in her damaged and smoking car in the middle of the track.

Face was pale as a ghost for terror, his body trembled uncontrollably, a really unfortunate vision.

You weren't arrogant a moment ago why silence now, someone said sarcastically to Collin and his group.

The unexpected and shameful defeat of Adelina had fact that Collin and the others shrink as cornered mice, unable to react.Adelina was deliberately blocking Harlee's departure.

How dares a snake so cunning to stain the integrity of this racecourse.


all of them! Someone spit to

participated in

Not yours.

direct this place, so why we should listen to


chilling voice of Rhys crossed

Rhys Green! "A drowned


elite circles.

had clearly caused Rhys, the main investor of the

this is a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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