Chapter 29 Stay Away From Her
Terry urged Aurora but did not get any response from her. He said again worriedly, “Aurora?”
Aurora regained her senses and looked at Terry in a daze, “OK!”
As the countdown reached zero, a gunshot rang out, and all the cars at the starting line ran out with lightning speed.
Aurora sat in the front passenger seat while her mind was filled with the man she had just seen and his cold, emotionless eyes. He’s Zac, but why would he come here? Aurora thought.
“Aurora, where is the obstacle?”
Terry asked in an anxious voice.
Aurora came back to her senses and looked forward. Her eyes widened soon.
Their distance toward that obstacle was now almost shorter than the safe distance!
Aurora forced herself to calm down and quickly determined the direction of the obstacle, “It’s in the direction of nine o’clock! Slow down right now! Front brakes now.”
Terry responded quickly as he turned the steering wheel.
The car soon slowed down.
And it dangerously passed the obstacles at a very close distance, with sparks flying around the wheels.
At the same time, Daniel and Martin’s car made the corner overtaking!
“Aurora! Wake up!”
Terry glanced at the rearview mirror. They were in the lead before, but now they were overtaken. He shouted in a loud voice, trying to get Aurora back from her thoughts.
Aurora immediately perked up.
“Turn around!”
“Speed up!”

With smooth cooperation, Aurora and Terry’s car finally surpassed Daniel’s car at the last second and crossed the finish line.
When Aurora and Terry got out of the car, their clothes were almost wet with sweat.
Aurora felt a little guilty and apologized to Terry, “I’m sorry. I just…”
“That’s okay. We still won the race!”.
Terry held the helmet between his arms.
He stretched out his hand and gave Aurora a high five.
Terry could see that Aurora was somewhat absent-minded.
Aurora forced a smile. Meanwhile, it was bedlam in the stands.
“Zac! Did you see that? I almost won!”
Daniel jumped over the railing and said loudly.
Zac said coldly, “But you’re still the second!”
Daniel muttered in dissatisfaction. Zac had already ignored him and directly looked at Aurora.
Her performance just now was indeed amazing.
Aurora frowned, Why is he still there? she thought.
She subconsciously quickened her pace and headed to the locker room with Terry.
“Why is he sitting on the stands instead of in the VIP room?” Terry asked.
Aurora made no reply.
Terry followed behind Aurora and deliberately mentioned, “Is he going to repay your kindness?”
“For saving him at the wedding. Otherwise, why would the Buchanna Group invest so much money in the race?”
Aurora knew that Terry was joking, but she looked gloomy, “Stop talking about him! It’s impossible!”
She quickly walked into the locker room.
Zac sat in the same place with the same cold gaze looking at Aurora’s back meaningfully until Aurora disappeared.
Zac never took his eyes off Aurora since he had been here…
On his way to the venue, Zac suddenly changed his mind and came over.
Martin noticed Zac’s look and asked, “Are you surprised that your ex-wife could race?”
Zac shot Martin a glance.
Daniel suddenly understood something. He raised his hand and placed it on Martin’s shoulder, “I have to say that she is pretty good at driving. She seems to be more beautiful than before.” Daniel
said with a sly smile.
“Stay away from her!”
Zac said coldly and walked towards the direction that Aurora left.
Daniel paused for a moment before he said, “What did he just say? Does he want me to ignore that woman, or not approach that woman?”
“Anyway, you stay away from her.” Martin shook Daniel’s hand off and walked in the opposite
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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