Chapter 59

You Have to Take Me in Tonight

“Mr Killian has told Mr Lusk in advance, and Mr. Lusk has agreed.”

Neil added.

Paige was confused.

She thought, my father agreed?


“This is a voice message from your father”

Killian opened Line and played it in front of Paige.

“Mr. Stowe, you must be joking. Paige is with you, and I am not worried about her. Since that’s the case, I don’t have to open the door

for her tonight.

In any case, Paige would be a member of the Stowe family sooner or later. Moreover, Killian promised that he would not let her and

Martin stay in the same room. Killian just liked Paige very much and wanted to keep her in the Riverside Villa for a night.

There were dozens of servants in the Riverside Villa, and nothing would happen to Paige.

Therefore, Donald could not refuse, so he agreed to Killian’s request.

Paige was speechless

She didn’t expect his father to be so decisive.

“Martin, take Paige to the room on the south side of the third floor. Someone has cleaned it up.”

Killian turned around and instructed Neil, “Get Paige a lamp and ask when the electrical circuit can be fixed. It has been long.”


Neil brought an exquisite lantern made of bamboo to Paige.

“Give it to me.”

Martin took the lantern with one hand and Paige with the other

It was dark on the way to the third floor, but the warm light emitted by the lantern and the warmth from Martin’s palm made Paige feel

at ease

“Are you

afraid of the dark?”

and asked Paige

her shoulders

know what

demons and

had experienced enough “darkness”

the room in the south, Paige found

spacious room, the light did not work, and it

the dim light, Martin looked at Paige. Her bright eyes were like

casual, yet her

here with you. I will leave after the

could not help but touch Paige’s

tender, and smooth. It was a little small,

said lightly, “You can go

nothing to

to your

has been busy for the whole

at the clingy guy in front of her

to stay with

his breathing was getting faster. Paige’s elegant fragrance was so attractive, and he was eager


to Paige in his


Words failed Paige

if there are any clothes

afraid that he would not be able to

the cloakroom and found that

for a while. I

for a while and came back soon. “These are prepared by Grandpa in advance. I don’t know if there

Paige wondered.

is quite thoughtful. Did he expect

picked up the clothes and looked at them under the dim


also noticed it. He looked at Paige

will go get my

held his shirt

and picked a

the bathroom with

strong wind came from nowhere, and

to open it but

can even think of a

held back his laughter and looked at the tightly closed door “Mr. Martin will definitely call me to get the key later Look, it is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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