Chapter 95

Why Do You Send a Smiley Face?
“I have a friend who went abroad and asked me to rent out the house for her
Paige said carelessly. “The price is not a problem. The most important point is the renter would cherish the house as much as my friend does
“We will cherish the house!
Manela said hurriedly. She seemed to see a glimmer of hope.
“How much do you pay here for a month?”
“560 dollars.”
“Then the rent for my friend’s house is the same. It’s 560 dollars.”
Paige said softly. “My friend’s house is also near here. It is more convenient to go to work and get off work.”
“Ms. Tate, we have seen the houses around here. Other than here, there are no other houses with two rooms that cost 560 dollars.
Mariela was afraid that Paige would get less rent. And it was hard for Paige to explain it to her friend.
“My friend said the price is not a problem.”
Paige looked at the time a
I said, “I have something to do now. Deon will come back here to help you move later. I would ask my friend about the specific location of the house. She told me last time, but I forgot.”
“Ms. Tate.” Mariela did not know how to thank Paige.
Evelyn stood up and said, “Paige, you have helped us twice. We don’t know how to repay you. Thank you so much!”
“No need to repay me.
Paige said with a smile, “You should live a good life and live a better life than Jessie. That is the best reward for you and me.”
Evelyn was touched by something. She was close to crying.
“It’s a deal.
Paige got up and went out. After getting in the car, she turned on her mobile phone. Paige found the smallest house among all of the properties. It was located downtown.

The house with three rooms was located in Sunshine Heights. It was well decorated and had an area of 970 square inches. The password to enter the house should be 101010. Several relatives often sent Paige houses as gifts. In order to make it easier for Paige to remember, the password was all the same.
Paige sent the detailed information to Deon. Paige said, “When we arrive at Sunshine Heights, I will go to the Warren Cafe by myself first. And you go and help Mariela move.”
“Yes, Ms. Tate.”
In the president’s office of the Stowe Group…
Martin did not know how many times he had looked at his phone. Other than the girl who was on the screen, there was no new
“Is the connection bad?”
Martin looked at Wi-Fi and suspected that there was something wrong with the internet. He looked at Rhys and said, ‘Send me a Line
Rhys did not understand what Martin meant. Rhys asked, “Do you mean you want me to send you a Line message?”
Rhys wondered, why do I need to send him a Line message at such a close distanı
Can’t he just say it
Rhys asked respectfully, Mr Stowe, what do you want me to send?”
“Up to you
*Then, then I’ll send you an emoji. *
Rhys sent a smiley face over, and Martin received it right away
Therefore, this was no problems with the connection. The signal was fine too. The problem was the girl didn’t send Martin a Line message. Martin did not receive anything.
“Why do you send a smiley face during work hours?”
Martin felt that Rhys was mocking him by sending a smiley face because no one was locking for him. Martin said coldly. “I will donate your bonus for this month to local schools.”
Rhys opened his eyes wide. He wondered, what? Mr. Stowe, didn’t you ask me to send anything I wanted? You said it was up to me. How did my smiley face provoke you?
Martin opened the chat. The last message was from six in the morning. Paige asked Martin to go to sleep first and said that they would meet in a while.
Paige cared about Martin, but she seemed to disappear after going to work.
Thinking that there were other male employees chasing Paige in the company, Martin was annoyed. Seeing that Rhys was still stunned, Martin asked, “What’s wrong? Do you have anything to do? Did you follow the project that I asked you to do? Have you solved the problem that I asked you to solve?”
“Mr. Stowe, I’ll do it right away!”
Looking at Rhys’ back, Martin asked, “Did I tell you to leave?”
Rhys got confused.
Rhys turned around forcefully and said, “Mr. Stowe, Is there anything else I can help with?”
“From the brands we bought last time, is there any that was related to clothing?”
Hearing Martin’s question, Rhys thought for a moment and said, “Yes! There is a first-rate brand. It’s called Vogue Apparel. We’ve decided to purchase it because of the broken capital chain. And the senior management is a mess.
Martin asked slowly, ‘Do we lack partners?*
Rhys got confused and said, “Mr. Stowe, you must be joking. Our company is involved in so many fields. We have so many subsidiaries. How can we possibly lack partners? Many people are begging us to cooperate with their companies!”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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