Chapter 121 I Dare You to Slander Her Again

And now, Paige had to step up. It was the only way to expose Abbigail’s true colors

Paige was dumbfounded

At first, she wanted Abbigail out of the industry without revealing her real identity

Yet someone could be utterly cheeky. They refused to admit it even though they indeed plagiarized

Everyone followed Malia’s gaze and then looked surprised. They thought, that girl is Ms. Walker?

“She is Ms. Walker? No way…

“But Ms. Ballard is looking over there. That girl is the only one there.”

“Ms. Walker has won numerous piano awards at home and abroad. How can she be such a young girl?”

“Is it because of the dimness of the light that Ms. Ballard mistook her for Vallorie? She strikes me as a high school student.”

The spotlight was on the stage, so the auditorium was relatively dim, but people still noticed her beautiful face, which exuded a cold

aura in the dark.

“If Ms. Ballard claimed that she was Ms. Walker, I would buy it. How could that girl be Ms. Walker?”

“I agree…”

Only then did Tyrell and Lindsey notice that Malia’s gaze was on a certain girl in the audience.

Somehow, they found that the girl’s back was somewhat similar to that of Paige.

No. To be more precise, it was more than similar. Lindsey recognized the outfit. When she had a conflict with Paige at the door of the bathroom, that was what Paige was wearing.

Lindsey and Tyrell were thinking the same thing. They thought, Malia says that Parge is Ms. Walker? How is that possible?

Paige barely comes close to the piano growing up.

Paige hardly spends time studying

She may know certain keys. However, that doesn’t mean that she can compose. Paige is Ms. Walker?

After all, Patricia is Donald’s daughter,

But Paige?

way! That’s not

also followed Malia’s line of sight and found that the girl’s back seemed a bit familiar. He was dumbfounded at

was somewhat shocked. He thought,

she get

Paige is Ms.

looked at the

thought, Paige is Ms.

What a joke!

How could she


So, it was you” Abbigail was

through the microphone. She said, “I got it! You pretended that you were Ms. Walker and went to Ms Ballard to disclose me.

ever seen Vallorie. Paige might have pretended to

how many people here are Ms.

Everyone was whispering.

could she be Ms. Walker?

On no ground is she Ms.

Ms. Walker, I won’t let

*Count me in!”

sounds like these two girls know each other and

Everyone was gossiping.

this precise moment, she made up her mind to make Paige

my place and have enjoyed eighteen years of glory. By coincidence, my parents brought me back and stopped me from

words, everyone was

not expect the two girls to

up a

In an instant, everyone

Instead, they

day just to stay in Chicago. Which sugar daddy brings you in today?



appreciate my kindness. Instead, you hit me several your times. Still,

my surprise, you went all out to gain Ms. Ballard’s trust when seeing me getting awarded.

people present were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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