Chapter 152 The Skirt Is Torn

Linder her black and dense eyelashes were a pair of clear and bright eyes, an exquisite, delicate nose, and rosy lips

Although she looked somewhat similar to her mother, she still easily stood out in the crowd with her cold and noble aura

She was stunning

Was she Heman’s sister, Paige?

She was good looking and very well-mannered.

But why would she participate in the competition as an assistant?

What was the reason?

Hernan did not understand.

The stage was in a large semi-circular shape. After the one hundred and twenty designers and assistants went on stage, they ***the audience with a screen in the

The big screen behind them magnified their every move.

The host took the microphone and announced with passion, ‘The first competition will be a proscenium based on the fabric and accessories provided by our organizers. Within forty minutes, each designer and his assistant will work together to design a dress that they think will look best and manifest the most temperament.”

The etiquette ladies lined up and presented the materials and accessories with both hands.

“Now I announce that the competition has officially begun! Please time!”

After the host left, all the designers began to design.

Every designer received the same ***gauze, and even the accessories were the same. There were pearls, rhinestones, sequins,


“The quality of this ***gauze is good…” “Paige, what do you want to design?” Mariela touched the material on the plate.

“What’s your idea?”

“Looking at this ***gauze, I think of a wedding dress….” Mariela suddenly had an idea. “Why don’t we make a wedding dress? It’s just that the accessories…”

pearls, rhinestones, sequins, and other accessories to show the

an idea, “Then let’s make a **dress with embroidered rose patterns. You are in charge of the

took a ruler and a pair of

noticed that they were discussing. It should be that Paige came up with

direction of the design….

red thread on the bodice of the ***gauze dress. Hernan noticed that her hand seemed to be

his suit collar and said, “Zoom in on

immediately zoomed

many people at this time noticed that

Was her hand injured?

seemed that her

could embroider fast and well even though she was injured

She looks to be only in her

graduated from high school, but she can actually

appeared in everyone’s eyes. In less than ten minutes,

“Ah… Oh no!*

when Mariela was cutting the

should I do, Paige? I was too nervous and didn’t

part was on the hemline

it. With the cover of the roses, the

vivid and

“Paige, you are awesome…”

on the bodice and hemline, the ***dress looked elegant

judges, but even the senior

the dresses with sequins and

a glance.


and everyone’s eyes fell on their

whispered something in Mariela’s ear, and Mariela immediately used more **gauze to make a beautiful


roses on the hem. This time, the ****dress

so quickly? Which company is she from? Her design is

y good…”

think that assistant is very thoughtful. Her embroidery skill

petals of one of the roses did not look good enough and she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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