Chapter 168 Triangle Area

Paige was surprised

Martin noticed that she was feeling Rosa’s pulse just now!

“Grandma really has brain damage. It is difficult to recover,” Paige did not hide anything and said truthfully

Martin did not expect Parge to figure it out by only feeling Rosas pulse. Her medical skills must be much more outstanding than many famous doctors.

Paige knew that if she wanted to cure Rosa’s illness, forty-nine herbs were needed,

These herbs were hard to find, and one of them, named Heavenly Ginseng, was even rarer.

It had once appeared in the Triangle Area, but that place was too dangerous.

Even if Paige had her force over there, she would not break into that area casually.

What was more, she did not know if there were any Heavenly Ginseng.

At night.


Paige got someone to find a lot of herbs that had similar effects to the Heavenly Ginseng. She tested them for a long time but failed. It seemed that she had to make a trip to the Triangle Area tomorrow.

In the Riverside Villa…

Killian called Martin and said, “Martin, your grandmother’s breathing today is different from before. Just now, I asked the **to measure her blood pressure and found that it dropped a lot. I don’t know if her condition has improved or worsened…”

“I’ll ask Mr. Williamson to take a look,” Martin heard the anxiety in Killian’s words.

Todd’s medical skills were well-known at home and abroad, and he happened to be in Chicago recently.

‘Don’t panic. I will go back later.”

“Okay, come back quickly.”


Martin finished his work in the company and rushed back to the Riverside Villa. Todd had just finished taking Rosa’s pulse.

and said helplessly, “This is the omen of a vegetative person dying. In other words, not

please save Mr. Stowe! Neil was

said, “He’s fine. He just got a little stimulated. Send him back

is there any other way?” Martin asked in

backbone of the Stowe family. If Rosa died, Killian

was especially important to

she was more important than

said, ‘A medicinal herb called Heavenly Ginseng may be effective,

of it in their lives, let alone seen it.

people knew

medicinal herb helpful to Grandma’s illness?” Martin

a sip of tes. He stood up and said,

Williamson off,” Martin

forward and gave Todd a blank check. Todd waved his hand and refused, “I didn’t help anything at all

By the way, you can try to look

about Skylar’s whereabouts for the past half year, but there is no

“Then I have no

cast a glance at the ****. The ***caught up to

a great help to the

accept the check. He planned

phone and made a call. “Find out where there

are you looking for it?” Rhys

Martin said, his eyes

immediately sent someone to inquire about

appeared in the Triangle Area, but

eyes darkened. The Triangle

Heavenly Ginseng is just a legend? Why don’t we look for some other herbs that can

*There is no time.

know w

Grandma’s life.

one. It is

go to

Martin would indeed plan to go to that place. “Is there any

a few days


understood why Martin wanted to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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