Chapter 43

With a gloomy face, Natalie walked over to her son. “Tell me, Connor. Why do you have that in your hands again? Don’t you remember how you pulled your sister’s hair last time? I told you not to play with this anymore. Why...”

“I’m sorry, Mommy. I was wrong. I won’t do it again.” Before she could finish, Connor tugged at the hem of her shirt and swayed his body pitifully.

It was rare for Natalie to witness this coquettish side of her son. Her words instantly got stuck at the tip of her tongue, and she could no longer find the anger within her to reprimand him.

After a short while, she let out a sigh and stroked her son’s head helplessly. “What should I do with you!”

Connor held onto his mother’s hand and there was a satisfied look on his face for a split second. He knew that this incident was water under the bridge.

“Nat, what happened?” Stanley asked in a daze. He had been listening to their conversation from the side.

She explained, “Connor was being naughty and he almost offended Mr. Shane. Luckily, the man was kind enough and didn’t blame Connor. Otherwise, I might have lost my job.”

As she spoke, she pinched Connor’s cheeks gently and told him, “Alright. Keep your Lego pieces properly. If this happens again, I will confiscate it. You hear?”

Connor knew that this was not a joke. He immediately acceded to her request, “Yes, Mommy. I will.”

“Good boy. Now go and play on your own for a while. Mommy’s going to start preparing for dinner.”

returned to

to take a shower in the bedroom, leaving

Stanley and asked, “Uncle

for Natalie when Connor initiated the conversation. He stopped what

guilty manner before he fished out two zip lock bags from his pockets

look at the contents and narrowed

and this is mine,” Connor

going on. His gentle expression changed just slightly and he probed,

I have an uncanny resemblance. This isn’t normal. So Uncle Stanley, can

the bags. His eyes darkened slightly, but

silence, Connor waved his small

recovered his senses and controlled his emotions. Pushing his glasses up his nose bridge,

you, Uncle Stanley!” Connor gave him a

silent, he tightened his grip

thanking your godfather for?” Natalie walked out of the room just in time to hear Connor’s

gave me a sweet earlier. Right, Uncle Stanley?” Connor blinked innocently at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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