Chapter 53

Jasmine, who was also at the meeting, was green with envy. However, there was nothing she could do apart from watching Natalie win applause from the seniors.

Of course, Natalie felt her jealousy, but the former did not take it to heart and calmly carried on with her design concept.

Shortly afterward, the meeting ended and the crowd dispersed.

Jasmine rose and walked towards Shane, intimately entwining her arms around his. “Shane, shall we have dinner at my place tonight? My dad misses you.”

She intentionally emphasized “my dad” and glanced at Natalie, savoring the satisfaction of seeing Natalie pause briefly from organizing her design drafts.

Natalie used to be the princess of the Smith family, while Jasmine was born out of wedlock.

Natalie could legitimately call “Daddy” but Jasmine could only do so secretively.

Now, Natalie was no longer the Smith princess and she could no longer call Harrison “Daddy”. She could not even tell anyone about her relationship with the Smiths. Jasmine was most delighted by this!

were read by Shane instantly.

his arm away

Is it urgent? If it’s not, do come. All the dishes are being prepared as we

death anniversary.”

gaped but no words came out. She was scolding

idiot! Of all days to invite Shane to dinner, what made her choose Grandpa Thompson’s death anniversary? Does

I’m so flabbergasted!

Jasmine suffer from humiliation, Natalie could not stop herself from giggling. This had the added effect of lifting Natalie’s mood, which had earlier turned sullen because

before quickly turning grave

will finish the drafts very soon. Having said that, the fabric is the main concern.”

wrong with the fabric?” Shane turned

currently have in stock. The second chart shows the types and quantity of fabric needed for Project

is fine, but I see that the ‘color’ column next to your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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