Chapter 66

When she was about to go out, the ward door opened, and Shane entered the room with a big plastic bag in his hand.

“Mr. Shane.” Sharon waved at Shane as she greeted him happily, while Shane nodded with a warm expression.

“Mr. Shane, I thought you left.” Natalie looked at Shane, surprised.

When she woke up, she didn’t see Shane around, so she thought he had left.

“I didn’t. I just went to change my outfit. Take this. It’s breakfast.” Shane handed the plastic bag to Natalie.

“Great! I was just about to go buy.” Natalie took the breakfast over happily and placed them on the table.

It was almost nine in the morning when they finished breakfast.

Shane looked at her and announced, “You’re excused from work for two days. Take good care of Connor. I’ll fetch Sharon, so don’t worry.”

“Thank you, Mr. Shane.” Natalie gave him a grateful smile.

After that, Shane sent Sharon to the kindergarten.

Natalie got a caretaker to look after Connor while she went to pay Connor’s hospital bills at

at the front desk, she heard a

It’s Susan!

eyes flickered as she turned to look in the direction of the voice. Susan was holding hands with a child in front of

Who is that child?

doubtful expression, all the while furrowing

and he looks like Susan. So, he must be Susan’s son. But I’ve never heard of Susan

watching Susan closely in confusion, Susan waved and

darted to the direction where she was waving. A good-looking, middle-aged man walked toward Susan and her child. He planted a kiss on the child’s cheeks before spooning the child

of them

she covered her mouth with her hands. It took her a long time to

a deep breath, she took out her phone and quickly took a photo of the

Dad... She had an affair with another man and gave birth to a

approaching her from the side of her vision, and her heart skipped a

Shoot! I’ve been spotted!

from view using the receipt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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