Chapter 84

Although she had already guessed it before arriving, she could not help being shocked after confirming it. I can’t believe that such a massive mix-up exists in this world.

“Ma’am, are you alright?” When the manager saw her crying, he could not help but ask worriedly.

Natalie shook her head. “I’m fine. Can I make a copy of the CCTV recordings?”

The manager agreed.

She took out her thumb drive and saved a copy of the footage.

Then, she stumbled out of the hotel with her mind in an utter mess.

That night, Natalie did not sleep a wink. She went to the airport the next day, looking exhausted.

When Shane saw her dark circles, he raised his eyebrows.

Is this woman that excited to attend the gathering with the critics?

“Have you gotten your boarding pass?” asked Shane indifferently as he walked toward her.

she merely sat on the chair in

could not help but frown and waved

her head and glancing at

the matter with you?” He narrowed his eyes as he scrutinized

looks like she’s trying

lap and clutched her dress

that Shane was her children’s biological father, she could not treat him the same like before

could tell that Natalie was lying. Pursing his lips, he was about to probe further when

his face as he said, “Let’s

“Okay.” Natalie nodded hurriedly.

that only she and Shane were in the first-class cabin. Finally realizing that

he heard her, he grunted in acknowledgement. “Silas

Natalie bit her

be alone with him for

to the side and noticed the troubled look on Natalie’s face, a cold gleam appeared

does she

reluctant to be

who was oblivious to Shane’s thoughts, suddenly asked after taking a deep

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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