Chapter 121

Did I say something to piss him off?

Before Natalie could think of an answer to that, the birthday banquet began.

Dressed in a pure white suit, Sean descended the stairs from the second floor. He accepted the microphone a waiter handed to him before moving to the small stage set up nearby. He gave a short speech, thanking everyone for their attendance and well-wishes.

When he was done, it was time for dancing.

As Sean was the birthday boy and also the host, he would have to open up the dance floor.

All the single females present stared at him eagerly, hoping he would select them to be his dance partner. To their immense disappointment, he set down the microphone and headed toward Natalie.

“May I invite you to a dance, beautiful miss?” Sean held his hand out in invitation, a smile playing on his lips.

Natalie could feel the pressure of the envious gazes coming from the other women.

In truth, she really did not want to dance with him. However, today was his birthday. It was not right for her to refuse. Left without any other choice, she had to accept his invitation.

“It would be my honor!” She curtsied at him before placing her hand on his palm gently.

Curling his fingers over hers, Sean led her toward the empty space in the middle of the room.

moment they stepped into the clearing and

moved to circle them, watching as they twirled around

and Jasmine were standing at

his arm and let a surprised expression cross her face. “Shane, Sean invited Ms. Natalie to his birthday banquet and even asked her

as he removed his arm from her grip. He ignored her question as his eyes locked on the dancing

if sensing the burning gaze, Sean spun them around and took that

look in Shane’s eyes, his lips curved up into a wicked smirk. The hand he had placed around Natalie’s waist tightened,

darkened in anger when he noticed

and pulled her

the other guests in

about the bad blood between Shane

sons of the Thompson family were always at each other’s throats, competing with each other in everything. Despite that,

asked. She was

reply she got was a grunt of agreement. He extended his hand to

was too lost in her elation that Shane actually wanted to dance with her. Worried he would change his mind, she hastily placed her

slowly making their way over to

Jasmine.” Natalie smiled at

noticing Shane and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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