Chapter 124

The reason for Sean’s hatred toward Shane was that Sean had not inherited Thompson Group despite being the firstborn of the eldest son.

“But what’s that got to do with me being here right now?” Natalie questioned.

Sean stroked his chin and answered, “Of course it does! You’re technically Shane’s woman and even gave birth to two children for him. If I make you mine and have those kids call me ‘Daddy,’ don’t you think he’ll go absolutely crazy?”

Natalie felt like the world’s biggest joke was being played on her. “So you’re doing all this to me just because you want to piss off Mr. Shane?”

“That’s right! That’s more than enough reason for me to do this. Although I have to admit you’re truly an interesting woman. I wouldn’t be lying if I said I actually liked you. After all, you’re quite the beauty!”

With that said, he lunged toward her.

She screamed in shock before throwing her phone and the vase at him. Unfortunately, he dodged them easily.

Just as the vase smashed against the floor, her hand was seized in an unrelenting grip.

Then, he forcefully dragged her toward the coffee table. One sweep of his hands sent the items on it crashing to the ground.

Grabbing both her hands,

struggled violently. Her

this. Raising his knee, he


on Sean’s face as he gazed down at her. “Baby, don’t

to endure the agony shooting from her abdomen. Her

menacing, “I really don’t like the way you’re looking at me. But I guess it doesn’t matter. In a short while, you won’t have the energy to spare on hating me. I’ll definitely make those pretty eyes of yours shine with beautiful, beautiful

hand trailed down her slender neck and toward her collarbone. Suddenly, he grasped the suit jacket covering

now. “Touch me and I swear I’ll never let you

let out a bark of laughter. “Do you see that


neck slightly to look

blinking in the ceiling, was a security camera. Her

get it now? The security camera will record our little intimate session. If you make a police report after this, I’ll leak this video to the media. Everyone can admire your amazing body then. So what if your son is a

“You’re crazy! Sean Thompson, you’re a damn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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