Chapter 129

Natalie was taken aback that Shane was leaving so soon. “You’re leaving already? Aren’t you going to come in and sit for a bit?”

“No. I see that you have a friend with you already.” Shane’s brows furrowed when he noticed how Joyce kept staring at him.

Knowing he did not like to be around strangers, Natalie reluctantly nodded. “Alright then. Be careful on your way back.”

“Okay,” was his only response before he turned to leave.

Joyce watched him go. Once he was out of sight, she complained, “Oh my god, they’re just so similar! Nat, why didn’t you ever tell me that he looks just like Connor!”

Natalie shrugged and replied, “I thought there wasn’t any point since you two would never meet.”

“That’s a good point.” Joyce rubbed her chin thoughtfully before something seemed to occur to her. Her voice was urgent as she asked, “Nat, you don’t think he’s Connor and Sharon’s - “

Predicting what she was about to say, Natalie’s eyes flashed before she hurriedly interrupted, “No! I already told you that their father is an old man in his fifties.”

Joyce, who had been getting worked up at the prospect, instantly deflated at Natalie’s words. She sighed regretfully and lamented, “But they seriously resemble each other so much! How could they not be related?”

Natalie chuckled nervously before quickly changing the subject. “Alright, that’s enough about this. Where are the kids?”

playing games earlier and only just

a pair of house slippers then padded into

the door behind them and followed her

her sound asleep children, her eyes filled with warmth and love. “Joyce, thanks for looking

waved her hand to brush

children’s room

eyes lit up at the

Natalie headed into the kitchen and pulled out two cans of beer. She tossed one at her

hands and instantly popped it open. She took

her own can. Then, she asked about how things were going at the

working at Thompson Group, she had not stepped foot in the studio again. That was why she

the one who managed everything there

question, Joyce stopped drinking as a solemn

it and put down her beer.

that a studio much bigger

“Why?” Natalie frowned.

up with new designs, so we’re able to constantly launch new clothing lines and at a relatively fast rate. They


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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