Chapter 132

Natalie traced the rim of her glass idly, stating, “Besides, as you said earlier, the reason I want to get close to Mr. Shane and Sean is to marry into the Thompson family. That means no matter which one of them I marry, I’ll still be a billionaire. So tell me, why should I give up on such a wonderful future for a few million?”

“You!” Catherine was rendered speechless. At the same time, she could not refute Natalie’s words since they were very reasonable. Anybody with brains would make the same decision.

However, that was not a decision that the Thompson family would accept.

After a moment of thought, Catherine smacked the table and stood up. “You shameless woman! Do you seriously think you can marry into the Thompson family just because you want to? You’re trying to seduce both Shane and Sean at the same time! Just based on this fact alone, there’s no way my husband and I will accept you!”

“That’s fine. If I can’t have Sean, at least I still have Mr. Shane. He’s richer anyway,” Natalie replied with a wide smile.

Catherine’s chest heaved with the force of her anger. “Don’t even think about putting your filthy hands on Shane either! He’s already engaged.”

“Engagements can be called off.” The smile never left Natalie’s face.

She was purposely doing this to piss off Catherine.

came here today to humiliate me. I’m not going

completely unaware of the thoughts going through Natalie’s mind. She sniffed disdainfully and hissed,

family isn’t exactly J City’s most influential family. If Mr. Shane wants to break off the engagement, all he needs to do is post something online. He doesn’t even need to discuss anything with the Smiths. Even if the Smiths are unhappy

deliberately trailed

implied meaning

Catherine picked up her coffee and threw it

unable to avoid the liquid. The

such a sorry state soothed Catherine’s anger

from doing the same to you is the fact that you’re my elder. However, I can assure you that

do about

one day and become the new matriarch of the family. When that happens,

as she pointed a trembling finger at Natalie. “I’ll tell Shane all about you! I’ll let him know just

and left for the restroom. She needed to clean up the coffee still in her hair

phone and called Shane.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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