Chapter 136

Panicked at the thoughts, Jasmine stepped forward with her clenched fists and protested, “Shane, you can’t do this to me. Five years ago, you said you would give me everything I wanted, but now...”

The man interrupted her, leaning back against his chair. “Yes, I said that because you saved my life. But I’ve done more than enough to repay you. Recently, everything you do crosses the limits, and I can’t tolerate you any longer. Do you understand?”

“I...” Jasmine’s lips moved, but her voice was stuck in her throat.

Standing in front of the door, Natalie furrowed her beautiful brows in suspicion.

This isn’t the first time I hear Shane say that Jasmine saved him five years ago. What exactly happened between them?

While she was deep in thought, Shane’s voice broke her out of her trance. “That’s enough. I hope you’ll behave yourself from now on. You may leave.”

Jasmine’s eyes dropped, covering up all the indignation in her gaze. She then walked toward the door reluctantly.

Walking through the door, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Natalie standing outside the office with a faraway look. Taken aback, she yelled angrily, “What the hell are you doing here?”

Snapped out of her reverie, Natalie gave the woman a half-smile. “It’s been a while, Ms. Jasmine.”

The woman snorted scornfully. “I’ve already been fired, yet you address me this way. Are you mocking me?”

That dumb woman couldn’t kick Natalie out, even when she used her identity

that I’m used to calling you

you think I’ll believe your nonsense?” Jasmine sniggered with her lips pursed. In the next second, she narrowed her eyes at Natalie. “How long have

I’ve been here for quite a

eyes. “Did you hear what I said to Shane just

nodded with a smile. “Of

laced with threat. “Let me

afford to let anyone else know that Shane no longer protects me. Otherwise, I’ll

don’t do as you said?” Natalie asked

menacing smile. “Then I’ll ask Dad to take that damn brother

you dare!” Natalie’s expression turned

Jasmine had successfully threatened

woman warned her. “I’ll do that if you dare say a word about it. If Dad really wants your brother back, you and your

She then knocked the latter out of the way using her shoulder as she

lips, Natalie seethed with fury and shot

she took a deep breath to calm herself down. Patting her own cheeks, she

Shane’s impassive voice came from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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