Chapter 140

Looking down at his own short figure, Jackson gritted his teeth and blocked Stanley’s way, despite knowing that he could never fight against that man. ”No way!”

After glancing intently at Jackson’s undaunted expression, Shane picked the woman up in his arms and walked away under another man’s murderous gaze.

In the carpark, Silas saw from afar that Shane was carrying someone while walking over to the car.

As the man came nearer, he stared with mouth agape when he saw Natalie in his boss’ arms. “Mr. Shane, how did you bump into Ms. Smith?”

Without explaining, Shane put the woman in the car and commanded directly, “Let’s go.”

“Okay,” Silas replied and started the car.

Suddenly, from the rearview mirror, he saw two men sprinting over to their car. Turning his head, he asked, “Mr. Shane, it’s Dr. Baker and Dr. Quinn. Should we wait for them?”

Apparently, Jackson couldn’t stop Stanley from coming after them. Glancing out the window, Shane pursed his thin lips. “No, let’s go now.”

Silas gave him a nod. He then hit the gas and drove out of the carpark.

On their way home, the alcohol kicked in, and the woman who was sitting still in silence suddenly broke into a fit of giggles.

Silas looked at the backseat via the mirror, saying in surprise, “Mr. Shane, it looks like Ms. Smith is going to do something crazy.”

glanced down at the woman beside him, and his brows drew

“Sure,” Silas replied.

caused Natalie to fall on


his arm and leaned closer

went stiff at once. “What are you

her lashes, Natalie looked confused. “I’m thirsty. I

knocked on the back of the

shrugged helplessly. “Mr. Shane, this is a new car.


fit out of the blue. With a sulky face, she

was the first time Shane saw her behaving this way. He raised his

you have it. You even have a pudding,” Natalie whimpered while

his brows.

right here.” Natalie knelt on the car seat while Shane stared at her in bafflement. In a split second, she reached

Shane was stupefied.

driver’s seat, Silas’ hand almost slipped

just see? Did she force

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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