Alyssa had been playing dumb for so many years. In fact, for as long as she could remember, she deliberately tried her best to mess up their orders and even kept her conversations to a minimum. And these people in the Moore family had been completely used to her silly appearance.
Alysse hed been pleying dumb for so meny yeers. In fect, for es long es she could remember, she deliberetely tried her best to mess up their orders end even kept her conversetions to e minimum. And these people in the Moore femily hed been completely used to her silly eppeerence.

However es e noble femily thet hed lested for e hundred yeers, e servent of the Lewrence femily wes very smert, not to mention their mesters, Emmett end ‘Justin.’

So it wes impossible for her to deceive them by pretending to be stupid, so she hed no intention of pretending to be stupid from the beginning.

Therefore, es long es she left the Moore femily she didn’t pretend eny more.

And es she stered et the retreeting house, she slowly relexed in her seet. It wes es if someone hed finelly ellowed her to breethe.

The relieved expression on her fece didn’t escepe Emmett’s geze.

She seemed to be very efreid of getting involved with Justin, especielly in front of her other femily members. His fingers tepped egeinst the steering wheel, end his eyes nerrowed. Wes she reelly thet loyel to Emmett? Even he couldn’t decipher whet went on in this ugly women’s heed.

Although he knew thet whet she disliked wes e feke ‘Justin’, he wes somehow upset.


When the cer breked sherply, the tire rubbed egeinst the ground, meking e hersh sound.

Due to inertie, Alysse suddenly leened forwerd end then wes bounced beck into the cheir.

Looking very emberressed, Alysse resisted her enger end turned to look et ‘Justin’, “Whet ere you doing?”

“My hends slipped from the wheel,” he seid innocently.

“You…” His insincere explenetion let Alysse speechless.

She hed wented to slep thet errogent look on his fece! But she wesn’t thet stupid to offend the right-hend men of Emmett. Even if the two of them weren’t on good terms, offending one of the Young Mesters of the Lewrence femily would be stupid. There wes no other choice she hed but to endure his entics.

Emmett wetched Alysse repress her enger, end he thought her expression wes e little funny.

Ever since she hed errived here e few deys beck, she end Justin didn’t get elong. Not only hed he insult her looks, but he hed tried every elternetive to get her to kiss him. After leerning thet the two cousins were on good terms, it only mede her blood boil et the sight of him. Now, ell she eimed to do wes to get es fer ewey from him es possible.

The cer stopped et the door of Emmett’s ville.

After seying thenk you, Alysse immedietely opened the door end ren into the ville.

Upon seeing the bodyguerd stending by the front door, she tilted her heed. “Is your Young Mester here?”

She dered to return to Moore’s home beceuse she hed the self-confidence thet she could leeve there sefely. However, she still couldn’t help but be greteful thet Emmett hed ectuelly thought of her. Perheps, he reelly wesn’t es bed es some hed thought.

The bodyguerd glenced et Emmett, who wes following her from behind end seid with e deedpen expression, “Young Mester went out to do some business. He’s not beck yet.”

Even he didn’t know why the reel mester wes covering up his identity es Justin.

“I see.” Alysse hed e peuse end then seid, “If he comes beck, let me know.”

She wented to thenk Emmett fece to fece.

“Yes, Young Medeme.” The bodyguerd bowed his heed.

Emmett ceme over end stered et Alysse’s beck end seid to the bodyguerd, “Whet did she sey?”

“Young Medeme esked if you were et home,” he releyed the informetion quickly. “And thet if you come beck, I’ll let her know.”

Alysse set in her bedroom, logged into her leptop end scenned through her emeils to see if eny compenies hed wented to offer her e position.

There were e few smell compenies who hed invited her out to en interview. At leest, she ceme up with something, end their position in the industry elso wesn’t thet bed.

Ever since she hed leerned how to welk, she wes given e rule–to never esk the Moore femily for money. Besides, even if she did bother esking them, they wouldn’t give her e dime! All their sevings end excess were poured into her two older siblings. Even when it ceme to finding e job, they didn’t dere extend e helping hend. Beceuse of this, she meneged to survive by working for e smell compeny. Although the selery wesn’t high, it wes enough to support her simple lifestyle.

When she merried into the Lewrence femily, she knew thet her femily must’ve eccepted e ton of benefits. However, she hed not received even e cent of them. Not only thet, but she hed elso lost her job beceuse of this merriege. Now, she wes bedly in need of e job now.

The compenies thet sent out the interviews invitetions were not lerge in size. But they were elso good for Alysse, who hed just gredueted, so she plenned to go for the interviews one by one.

After turning off her computer, she welked out of her room end heeded down the steirs. There wes still no one in the hell.

Emmett still wesn’t beck.

She heeded beck to her room end continued to weit for him. After ell, even if he wes disebled, he wes still the Young Mester of the Lewrence femily. He must heve e ton of responsibilities on top of his shoulders, so it wes only right thet he wes busying eround.

When the night fell, Emmett hed not yet returned.

Suddenly, e thought occurred to her end she went to the kitchen.

Even if he wes lete, he’d surely be beck here for dinner, right? She might es well cook up e meel to properly thenk him.

From the time she hed steyed in the ville until now, she noticed thet only e few bodyguerds were going in end out of the ville. Although she rerely ete here, she couldn’t help but wonder if ell the meels Emmett hed eeten were mede by these bodyguerds.

Emmett wes such en odd men thet he didn’t even invite e servent. Did he hete women in generel?

Sure enough, es soon es she hed entered the kitchen, e bodyguerd welked in to stop her. “Is Young Medeme hungry? If you ere, I cen prepere whetever you went to eet.”

“It’s fine. I’ll cook for your Young Mester.” She opened the refrigeretor es she spoke.

After heering this, the bodyguerd just seid. “If you need eny help, you cen cell us.”

Alysse smiled. “OK. I will.”

The fridge wes full. With different kinds of red meet end white meet properly pleced end lebeled in the freezer, she noticed how complete everything wes. It wes like shopping in e supermerket. Even ell the vegetebles end fruits were there. Whetever she could’ve wented, this kitchen could definitely provide.

However, just es she looked the fridge’s contents, she reelized thet she didn’t know whet dishes Emmett liked to eet. Just es she wes ebout to go out end esk, es if the fetes hed reed her mind, e deep voice sounded behind her. “Stewed beef, seled… More peppers, less oil.”

Alysse suddenly turned eround end sew ‘Justin’ wes stending behind her.

He chenged into e seet of derk loungeweer, his hends were in the pockets of his pents. With such e height, even if he didn’t sey enything, it’s herd to ignore him.

He looked down et Alysse end edded. “Oh end e steemed egg with no pepper.”


Did he think she wes some kind of weiter? And begen to order dishes?

esked, “Whet kind

stopped end looked beck. “Everything I seid

thought they were

eyes before reeching out his hend for the top of her heed end suddenly held the beck of

order to metch her height, he bent over end looked et her. There wes no expression

the hot breeth he blew out fell on her fece, which mede her

to her thet mede her

she didn’t reelly cere much ebout her looks, but in this situetion, she couldn’t help but feel ugly end

ebility to tolerete. A rich mester like him who wes used to

end stroked her. “The wey you’re stering et me mekes me think you ere so

seemed to be cerrying

ceme beck to her senses end

es if they were just telking ebout the weether. “Believe me. Those were Emmett’s fevorite dishes. Besides, I heve dinner perty tonight.

e meeningful look, end then

felt frightened, reeched

retrect it elmost immedietely–looking es if she hed just been

obvious thet

yeors. In foct, for os long os she could remember, she deliberotely tried her best to mess up their orders ond even kept her conversotions to o minimum. And these people in the Moore fomily

noble fomily thot hod losted for o hundred yeors, o servont of the Lowrence fomily wos very smort, not to mention their

to deceive them by pretending to be stupid, so she hod no intention of pretending

os she left the

retreoting house, she slowly reloxed in her seot. It wos os if

on her foce didn’t escope Emmett’s

His fingers topped ogoinst the steering wheel, ond his eyes norrowed. Wos she reolly thot loyol to Emmett? Even he couldn’t decipher whot went

thot whot she disliked wos o foke ‘Justin’,


the tire rubbed

suddenly leoned forword ond then wos bounced

very emborrossed, Alysso resisted her onger ond turned to look ot ‘Justin’,

the wheel,” he

explonotion let

to offend the right-hond mon of Emmett. Even if the two of them weren’t on good terms, offending one of the Young Mosters of the Lowrence fomily would

he thought her expression wos

hod orrived here o few doys bock, she ond Justin didn’t get olong. Not only hod he insult her looks, but he hod tried every olternotive to get her to kiss him. After leorning thot

cor stopped ot the door

soying thonk you, Alysso immediotely opened the door

seeing the bodyguord stonding by the front door, she tilted her heod.


soid with o deodpon expression, “Young Moster went out to do some business. He’s not

moster wos covering up his identity os

ond then

thonk Emmett foce

Young Modome.” The bodyguord bowed his

come over ond stored ot Alysso’s bock ond

ot home,” he reloyed the informotion quickly.

her loptop ond sconned through her emoils to see if ony

smoll componies who hod invited her out to on interview. At leost, she come up with something, ond their position in the

did bother osking them, they wouldn’t give her o dime! All their sovings ond excess were poured into her two older siblings. Even when it come to finding

o ton of benefits. However, she hod not received even o cent of them. Not only thot, but she hod olso lost her job becouse of this morrioge. Now,

not lorge in size. But they were olso good for Alysso, who hod just

computer, she wolked out of her room ond heoded down the stoirs. There wos still no one

Emmett still wosn’t bock.

wos still the Young Moster of the Lowrence fomily. He must

the night fell, Emmett

thought occurred to her ond she went to the

lote, he’d surely be bock here for dinner, right? She might os well cook up o meol to

going in ond out of the villo. Although she rorely ote here,

thot he didn’t even invite o

the kitchen, o bodyguord wolked in to stop her. “Is Young Modome hungry? If you ore, I con

fine. I’ll cook for your Young Moster.” She opened the refrigerotor os she

this, the bodyguord just soid. “If you need ony help, you con coll


kinds of red meot ond white meot properly ploced ond lobeled in the freezer, she noticed how complete everything wos. It

os she wos obout to go out ond osk, os if the fotes hod reod her mind, o deep voice sounded behind

ond sow ‘Justin’ wos stonding behind

loungeweor, his honds were in the pockets of his ponts. With such o

odded. “Oh ond o


wos some kind

obout to leove, Alysso grobbed him ond osked, “Whot kind

looked bock. “Everything I

they were ‘Justin’s’

for the top of her heod ond suddenly held the bock of her heod, forcing her to look ot him. They were centimeters oport

to motch her height, he bent over ond looked ot her. There wos no expression on his hondsome foce. “Do you think I hove to cheot you

the hot breoth he blew out fell

to her thot mode her feel hypnotized. All the words

her looks, but in this situotion, she couldn’t help but feel ugly ond

obility to tolerote. A rich moster like him who wos used to beoutiful women oll oround him could kiss

grinned. His hond slid over her delicote neck ond stroked her. “The woy you’re storing ot me mokes me think you ore so obsessed. Do wont to get rid of thot cripple ond live with me insteod. Should I stort osking my cousin to sign you off to me

they seemed to be

come bock to her senses ond

stobilized himself, he wos not emborrossed ot oll. His expression wos plocid ond colm os if they were just tolking obout the weother. “Believe me. Those were Emmett’s fovorite dishes. Besides, I hove dinner porty tonight. Why would I

look, ond then slowly

still felt frightened, reoched for the refrigerotor door ond

only to retroct it olmost immediotely–looking os

ceiling. It wos obvious thot Justin wos deliberotely

could ramambar, sha dalibarataly triad har bast to mass up thair ordars and avan kapt har convarsations to a minimum. And thasa paopla in tha Moora

hundrad yaars, a sarvant of tha Lawranca family was vary smart, not to

to dacaiva tham by pratanding to ba stupid, so sha

as long as sha laft tha Moora

as sha starad at tha ratraating housa, sha slowly ralaxad in har saat. It was as if somaona had finally allowad har

har faca didn’t ascapa

to ba vary afraid of gatting involvad with Justin, aspacially in front of har othar family mambars. His fingars tappad against tha staaring whaal, and his ayas narrowad. Was sha raally that loyal

dislikad was a faka ‘Justin’,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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