Alyssa and Hazel looked at each other and saw that they were speechless.

Alyssa had not seen Henry for a long time, but when she saw him say such words, she felt he was really sick.

“What’s going on?” Hazel quietly pinched Alyssa’s arm and asked in a low voice.

Alyssa shook her head at her. “How would I know? Let’s go.”

She had indeed liked Henry before. She had also felt moved when she saw him.

It was just that the little deer in her heart had died. She had disliked Henry a long time ago.

However, Henry did not intend to give up just like that. He ran to Alyssa and blocked her way.

“Alyssa, we have known each other for so many years. You should know what kind of person I am.” Henry paused at this point as if he was considering what he should say next.

Alyssa came out today to relieve her boredom. But Henry’s seemingly unreasonable behavior made her feel irritated.

She took a deep breath and scratched her long hair in frustration. Her tone was cold. “I don’t know what kind of person you are. What I know is that if you have anything to say, go find Skylar. She is your girlfriend.”

“She is not. We have already broken up.” Henry denied it very clearly.

Alyssa curled her lips and mocked him mercilessly, “So you came to find me after you broke up with her? But I don’t pick up garbage on the streets.”

“Alyssa!” Henry frowned. It was as if he could not believe Alyssa would say such a thing.

“I’m sorry, I’m not in a good mood, but I don’t think what I said is wrong.” Alyssa looked at him with a fake smile. “Do you have anything else to say?”

“Alyssa, we had some misunderstandings in the past, but I know that you and Emmett are not married. As long as you are willing to leave him, come to me. I will…”

Before he could finish his sentence, he was punched in the face by a person who jumped out from the roadside.

He was caught off guard and fell straight down with a bang.

sudden change shocked Alyssa

looked up

Who else could it be other

from Alyssa with a cold face. His brows were cold and his body emitted a cold aura that

before walking in front

cowardly than Alyssa in front of Emmett, especially when Emmett acted like he did

had just been knocked down by Emmett with one punch, had already gotten up from the ground.

currently at a corner of the night market. The lights were dim and there were few people passing by. Therefore, no


at him. He subconsciously wanted to shut

If he was scared by Emmett like this, he would lose a

so proud of? Alyssa has nothing

lit a candle for Henry

to challenge Emmett, she would never challenge him when Emmett was on the

Well, good luck Henry!

eyebrows and sneered. His tone was arrogant and disdainful.

“Hello, are you Alyssa?”

voice came from behind

people’s attention was also attracted by


tea in her hand onto Alyssa’s body. “Bitch, home wrecker. How dare you make his wife so miserable after becoming a third party?

completely stunned when she opened her

pulled Alyssa into

girl’s voice attracted the

a celebrity, reacted quickly to these matters. She said to

currently had quite a number of rising fans. If people saw her and Hazel together,

said to Hazel, “Let’s go

her hand and walked towards a small road beside

the small road, they walked to a

in. He opened the driver’s door from the other side and got into the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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