She saw stars, feeling dizzy all over, only hearing someone urgently saying, “What’s going on with you guys? How could such a mistake happen! Nina, Nina…”

As the voice faded into the distance, Nina passed out.

When she woke up again, Nina was in the hospital, staring at the white ceiling, still feeling woozy and with a severe headache.

“Nina, you’re awake!” Taylor, with red eyes, sat up from the chair, anxiously inquiring about her condition. “Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? Should I call the doctor?”

Looking at her, despite still feeling very weak, Nina subconsciously sat up. “I’m fine. What about the construction site? Are there any other injuries?”

Taylor said, “You don’t need to worry about the construction site right now. You’ve got a concussion. You scared me to death. I thought you wouldn’t wake up.”

With that, she started crying again.

Taylor was Nina’s assistant who always accompanied her. Nina had always taken care of her. She was young and had never encountered such a sudden situation before, which frightened her.

“I’m awake, aren’t I? Don’t worry too much,” Nina reassured her.

She touched her forehead, her head wrapped in white gauze, still feeling very painful. She furrowed her brows and asked again, “Is everything okay at the construction site?”

that such a sudden

concerned about the construction site. You work hard every day, and you even worry about us. Hurry up and lie down to rest!” Taylor felt guilty. If


many years, she had been a working machine, considering others, and taking care of


still owed the York family two million

then, excited voices came from outside, like fangirls seeing

is that celebrity also in

star. It’s my first time

How serious is it?” they asked with concern.

everyone move aside!”

blocking out the onlookers to avoid being photographed or

side. Miranda looked fragile beside

stir, but with the bodyguards paving the way, things quickly settled down. Their figures

was the emergency room.

that Mr. York?”

astonished, more than anyone else. She had been looking for Nash all morning without success, but now she

now he’s unreachable just to accompany Miranda. Could they be together? No wonder Miranda didn’t bother to say hello when she came to the company the other day. It’s probably

and her heart stung fiercely. She glanced at Taylor, unwilling to let anyone notice her almost losing control of her emotions,

rest.” Taylor didn’t dare to speculate recklessly and left the

hospital bed, wondering if Nash had ever come to see her when she fell ill and

about Miranda. He didn’t care about others’ speculations, rushing her to the hospital and arranging for so many people to pave the way. He indeed favored Miranda significantly.

glanced at her phone, hesitated for a while, then dialed the familiar number. Soon, someone


next to her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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