Nina understood his seriousness about work. He wouldn’t tolerate even the slightest mistake. But this matter couldn’t be blamed on her; he was with Miranda last night at the hospital.

“You said you were busy and hung up,” replied Nina.

Nash was silent for a second before pursing his lips. “How did you handle it?”

At that time, Nina was already at the hospital, she explained, “There wasn’t time to handle it then, I…”

“Secretary Nina,” he said coolly, deliberately using her title rather than acknowledging her as his wife. “I recall your work never having such errors.”

He emphasized “Secretary Nina,” reminding her of her role as his secretary, not his spouse. Nina bit her lip, finding it hard to speak. “Work can still proceed at the construction site; the problem isn’t significant, in my opinion.”

“When problems arise, don’t rush to make excuses for yourself. This is something I taught you before,” he distanced himself. “Come to the office immediately!”

dwell on it. Yesterday, she went to the hospital and didn’t check on the construction site’s situation afterward.

and prepared to head to the office. Yvonne had just gotten out of bed and, seeing Nina hurriedly dressing, yawned.

have some things to attend to at the

grumbled, then

her shoes, spoke as she moved. “You’ve sent

early this morning. Nash should have received it by

Nina. She mentioned divorce, so Yvonne was eager for

inevitable, sooner or later it would happen, she said, “Might as

in the future depends on whether you have

excitement, even more than her, the main party in this. She didn’t dare dwell on it too much, just responded casually, “Got

Quincy walked in, holding a sealed leather bag. “Mr. York, this is an urgent document


in front of him as Quincy left. Nash glanced at it indifferently before casually opening it. Inside lay the “Divorce Agreement.” His expression shifted immediately as he took out the agreement to read. After reading it, his face darkened, and a cold smirk played on his lips. “She really has some

divide two-thirds of his assets to her, and that would end the marriage cleanly; otherwise all his dirty laundry would be aired. Nash’s face remained sour

fear, afraid to even breathe. They had no idea what was going on; it felt like they had walked into a minefield early in the morning, and no one

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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