Chapter 18

Nina saw that Scott was nearby and feared he might overhear, which would be very awkward. She asked Yvonne not to say anything more to avoid any embarrassment.

Yvonne had no choice but to listen to her and remained silent. After exchanging pleasantries with others, Scott returned to Nina’s side.

Yvonne called out, “Mr. Lucas, what a rare guest!”

Scott replied, “Miss Turner’s exhibition was very successful, undoubtedly leaving a significant impact.”

“My refined tastes of literati can’t

compare to Mr. Lucas’s,” Yvonne nudged Nina, “I just found out you two are old classmates. How about you accompany Nina? She has to return to the company this afternoon.”

Suddenly pushed forward by Yvonne,



Chapter 18

Nina felt a bit flustered. Before she could say anything, Scott immediately said, Sure, I’m free. I can escort her.”

Yvonne winked at Nina and politely said, “Thank you for your trouble.”


classmates should catch up. You two

to give them more time together. Nina looked at Yvonne, many words on the tip of

away. Nina looked at Scott. Although they were classmates once, it had been so

Yvonne. If you’re busy, you don’t

to go back to the company




Chapter 18

for a bit won’t hurt. Besides, I’d like to have

was taken aback, “Huh?”

wrong. After being abroad for so long,

behind her ear and walked slowly with him. “I just read about your accomplishments abroad. I

of hard work. But, Nina, you’re still the same. You haven’t

recognized me

years. But she felt like she did. She had grown taller and matured, and her appearance wasn’t as youthful as

his lips subtly curling upwards. This was



Chapter 18

black hair, not particularly talkative

walked with a book in hand, often

someone, she would get flustered and immediately apologize. She liked to tuck her hair behind her ears, revealing her fair neck. Her profile was beautiful. She wasn’t easy to approach, always distant, but he knew she had a kind heart, feeding

seemed; when she was sad, she would secretly cry alone in a corner.

distance was

days, sitting in the back row,

himself out of his thoughts and asked, “How have you


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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