Chapter 32

Hearing this, Nash was shocked and turned pale, furrowing his brows tightly. He said, “Where are you? I’ll be right there!”

“What’s happening, Nash?” Miranda asked, seeing his urgency.

“Nina is in trouble!” Nash didn’t even glance at her, he just ran out.

Seeing how hurried he was, Miranda sensed his deep concern for Nina, but she had no idea what was going on. Nina had been perfectly fine during the day. How could something happen so suddenly? She looked at the gift box left behind, untouched, feeling a pang of disappointment.

The assistant beside her said, “Just a few hours ago, Nina was fine. What could have happened? Could it be that she found out Mr. York was here and

intentionally caused trouble to ruin the relationship between you two?”

Miranda’s face went slightly pale, but she composed herself and said, “That’s unlikely. Nina isn’t that petty. Maybe something really did happen. I’m thinking if I should go help.”

“Miranda, you’re too kind. I think Nina is quite cunning,” the assistant said. “You can’t let her bully you. Mr. York and you are meant to be together. Nina snatched your man away. You shouldn’t sympathize with her. If she hadn’t


Chapter 32

Mr. York would have been

assistant badmouthed Nina, feeling indignant for

at the address given, which was a hotel. He rushed

didn’t see any

Nash. She

at a nearby hotel to continue their conversation. They were

Zoe. When Nash saw that she was fine, he realized he had been fooled, and his initially tense emotions relaxed. “Are you okay?” he asked.

could happen to me?” Nina thought for a moment and then asked, “Zoe…”

you joking with me?” Nash said seriously. “Do you know


Chapter 32

the situation, but she remembered Zoe asking if she wanted to know if Nash was worried about her. She didn’t think much of it at the time, but seeing Nash sweating and breathing heavily, it was clear

nap,” Nina explained. “I had no idea. you were worried about me. “If I had known, it

thought to herself, it must have been something Zoe did to make

or let his anger rise. Feeling a bit warm, he leaned against the wall, adjusting

don’t you take a rest? I bought you a coat at the mall today. It’s not very expensive, but it’s a token of

Quincy walked in and whispered something urgent into Nash’s ear.

at Nina. “No need to bother. I hope you’ll be more considerate in the future and refrain from playing pranks that interfere with my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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