Chapter 51


Chapter 51

Zoe was greatly surprised, left only with anger and disappointment. At that moment, Nash emerged from the hospital room and spotted Zoe with Nina. He politely called out, “Aunt Zoe.”

“Don’t call me that!” Zoe’s temper flared as she launched into a tirade against Nash. “Do you still see me as your aunt? How could you not discuss. something as significant as divorcing Nina with me? Have you forgotten Grandpa’s advice to take care of Nina? Is this how you take care of her? Nash, I’ve watched you grow up. How could I not know you’re so irresponsible, wanting a divorce? You’re completely disregarding the marital bond for this mistress pretending to be sick in bed!”

“Zoe, mind your words. What mistress? What irresponsibility? Can you not drag this into the conversation?” It was the first time Sally stood up to Zoe upon hearing her harsh words. “If Nash wants a divorce, it’s their business. What does it have to do with you? You’re just using your seniority to reprimand my son like this!”

Nina hadn’t expected this outcome, causing them to quarrel. She hurried over to try and stop Zoe, not wanting people to see a joke.

But it wasn’t just about their divorce; it was about Zoe having a dislike for Sally, disdainfully sneering, “I’m talking to my nephew. What business is it of yours, Sally? What right do you have to speak to me?

Chapter 51



too far!”

didn’t like Sally. Sally didn’t like Zoe. Whenever they met, they exchanged few words, akin


sharply as she approached, “It’s me advising you not to go too far! As a mother, your contribution to Nash is evident. I need not say more. Here, everyone’s words carry weight, except for you, Sally. I’m rebuking my nephew, and

“Nash, just look at your aunt, daring to scold me like

argued vehemently, Nash furrowed his brow and interjected coldly,

silence at Nash’s

couldn’t grasp the situation. “What do you

inquired, “Nash, you don’t want

Nina intervened, “I initiated it.”



Chapter 51


it, turning to Nash. “Deal with your wife. Make her change her mind!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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