Chapter 53

Seeing this, Taylor took the wine and said, “Mr. Lincoln, Nina doesn’t drink. I’ll drink in her place.”

Mr. Lincoln was not pleased. enough.”

That’s not good

Taylor felt a bit embarrassed. She lacked social experience and couldn’t be as smooth, feeling nervous and afraid of making mistakes, which made her timid.

“Nina, your drink can’t be drunk by your subordinate.”

Both of them were women, giving Mr. Lincoln more courage to speak less politely. “You’re representing Mr. York and he always drinks with us. How can you refuse to drink? Since you’re here, you should blend in with us. That’s the proper thing to do.

“Here, let me fill your glass. Let’s drink heartily tonight.”

Others chimed in, “Nina, don’t embarrass yourself. Mr. Lincoln asked you to drink, so drink. Stop making so many excuses for yourself!

our mood. If Mr. York finds out you’re not handling things

gathering. Just because Nash could drink didn’t mean he’d be pressured to. They


Chapter 53

do anything

viewed her as a weak woman and wanted to take advantage of her. Nina endured plenty

the wine glass to her lips. “Nina,

they were disrespecting Nina and

turned away, not giving them any face. “I said, I won’t drink!”

face changed, and he heavily placed

too much, with a loud “crack,” the wine glass shattered, spilling the strong red wine all over the table and onto the floor. Taylor was frightened by this.

airs in front

and he became angry. “If Mr. York can

it on the table. “Will this money be enough for you to

for you. Kneel down and lick my feet!” He threw another stack of money in front of

others laughed even louder and spoke.

Chapter 53

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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