Chapter 55

Nash embraced Nina tightly, wishing he could envelop her completely to protect her from all harm. Resting his chin on her head, he responded to her deep with remorse, “I’m here, Nina, you’re safe now, you’re safe!!

Nina buried herself in his chest, her body still trembling uncontrollably. She choked out, “Why did you only just come? I almost, I almost… thought I wouldn’t see you again!”

Nash held Nina, her lips drained of color, and

clenched his fists tightly, anger evident in his eyes. However, he patiently comforted Nina, wanting to provide her with enough security to ease her recent pain. “I’m sorry I’m late. Don’t be afraid, I’ll never leave you alone again!”

He was worried about Nina, so he came over, but he was still late!

Nina broke down in tears, expressing her anxiety, fear, and resentment towards She clenched her fists and lifted them, pounding them onto his chest. ” You’ll abandon me, just like you always have. In the past, and now too.”

She couldn’t remember how many times she had been abandoned. She couldn’t recall. Each time was just as heartbreaking. Nash held Nina tightly, his suit covering her body securely. “It won’t happen again. Trust me this time, Nina, I won’t ever leave you again.”



Chapter 55

but her fists didn’t strike him again. She couldn’t contain her fear, trembling in Nash’s arms, wishing she could envelop herself in a hard


and she stopped trembling, Nash bent down, gently placing

he looked at Mr. Lincoln lying on the ground, appearing half- conscious. A basin

on the floor, recalling what had just happened. When he turned to see

I didn’t mean it. I

didn’t mean it? Do you think a simple apology is enough?” Nash’s face remained expressionless; his voice icy as

who crosses me will meet their end!”

crushed fingers. He continued, “Mr. York, after all, I’m your business partner. You can’t

losses. Is it worth it for



Chapter 55

Lincoln, despite your age, you’re still so naive. Just so you know, I have the power to replace

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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