Chapter 60

“You guys just don’t get it, do you? Nina’s aiming to climb the social ladder. She’s Mr. York’s

secretary, but she can’t secure the role of his official wife. Over the years, she’s probably considered finding another route. Banking on her looks, she’s aiming to become Mr. Lincoln’s lover. Perhaps she couldn’t even pull that off, so she went ahead and falsely accused Mr. Lincoln of rape, ruining him in the process. He could even wind up behind bars!”

“I always thought Nina was so kind, but it turns out she’s quite cunning. Just look at how she’s made Mr. Lincoln suffer. It’s no surprise she’s always hovering around Mr. York; she’s probably schemed her way into that position!”

“Hmph, you guys are just realizing Nina isn’t as simple as she seems? I figured that out long ago. Look around–among the company’s early

employees, who isn’t more capable than Nina? Our manager, Paris, has the skills and experience, far exceeding Nina’s. But just because Nina relies on her flirtatious charm to seduce Mr. York, she’s got the upper hand! Now she’s reaping what she sowed, trying to manipulate her way to the top but ending up getting burned…”

There was a “bang” as Nina emerged from the restroom, appearing right behind them.

The few employees were busy touching up their makeup. When they saw Nina, they were startled,


Chapter 60

their lipstick smeared.

had been listening to others. gossiping stood up straight, addressing

glancing at Nina, still

a subordinate of Paris,


weighing the pros and cons. She

blame them, as she washed her hands on the

Nina’s emotions,

felt that Nina was intimidated, crossing her arms and arrogantly saying, “Some people are just good at pretending. If you don’t want others to know, don’t do

to look at Mabel with a smile,

her ground, saying confidently, “What are you pretending for? Everyone in the company


Chapter 60

acts. If I were

acts? Who’s spreading rumors

several men!” Mabel, showing no restraint in her manners or words, felt a sense of pride. “Your current position

A slap echoed.

word, Nina slapped her directly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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