Chapter 62

While the drama unfolded, bystanders couldn’t help. but sympathize with Nina. Being just a secretary, her authority paled in comparison to the vice president’s, so trouble was inevitable for her!

Soon enough, the vice president, distressed for his niece, hurried over with Mabel, demanding answers, “Who, who dared to bully my dear niece?”

Mabel pointed at Nina in the pantry, “It’s her, she hit me, Uncle. No one has ever hit me from childhood till now!”

Paris, watching from the sidelines, played the role of the pitiful good person, “Mr. Green, I’m truly sorry. I couldn’t take care of Mabel properly. My influence in this office is just too limited.”

Her words also implied to the vice president that she and Nina were on equal footing, but she was being unfairly oppressed.

Nina was too audacious in this office.

The vice president had long heard about Nina’s bad reputation, but since she was close to Mr. York, he hadn’t intervened. Now that it affected his family, he wouldn’t let it slide, “Nina, you, a mere

secretary, dare to hit my niece. Do you think Mr. York will protect you? With a word from me, you’ll be out of York Corporation!”

with York Corporation longer than Nina.



Chapter 62

paths except during company events.

principled person; she didn’t tolerate baseless accusations, but

to the truth, as long as it

should love and cherish her, but we must also distinguish right from wrong. If she doesn’t heed others‘ advice and spreads rumors about me everywhere, causing trouble, then we must deal with it accordingly.

of control! You show no remorse and dare to lecture me? Today, I’ll teach you a lesson and see how tough you really are!” the vice president said angrily. “Someone, grab Nina for me. Let’s see how long she can keep up her

move. Even though Mr. Green held great power,

” What’s this? Can’t


the opportunity and immediately

it! Hand Nina over to

hold of Nina. She struggled, but they


Chapter 62


making her believe everything she says and does

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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