Chapter 78

Nina was taken aback by this. She lifted her head once more, unable to believe it. He had never praised her like this before. What was happening today?

Locking eyes with Nash, Nina asked, “Really?”

Nash reached out, gently stroking her hair. “Are you lacking confidence now?”

Encountering a different demeanor from him, Nina felt a bit uneasy, but she didn’t want to

admit it. “Of course not.”

“You look beautiful tonight, very fitting for you,” Nash said, wrapping his arm around her waist. Nina took a few steps forward, nestling into his embrace.

“I hate to let you out to meet people,” Nash said in a husky voice.

His warm breath fell on her face, tantalizing and intriguing. Nina’s cheeks flushed, and she pushed him away. “Stop goofing around. Since you said it’s good–looking, then it must be good–looking.”

She smiled faintly.

softened, and he lowered his head again. “Why is it that when I say it’s good- looking, it is?”

flicker of stars in his eyes. She smiled. “I won’t

needed to be seen by him. She felt a bit embarrassed and took a step forward,

by him as a secretary. Nina hesitated. “Will it


Nina paused.

stared at her, his lips curling slightly. “It’ll have quite an impact. I can’t help but want to

a bit annoyed. “Can you finish your sentence?”

a working

all gathered. Nina entered the venue, holding Nash’s hand, and immediately the


her. She felt a bit if all the cameras were focused on her. She felt

Mr. York has a companion by his side for the first time. And she’s

they say Mr. York got married? Could this be his wife?”

York said his wife is low–key and doesn’t like being

people got closer, some were stunned. “Isn’t that Nina? She’s actually attending as Mr.

Nina usually keeps to herself, not drawing much attention. Who would have thought she’d look so stunning when she dresses up? She looks like a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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