Chapter 84

With those words, Nina was frozen in place, a chill creeping up from the soles of her feet, leaving her ice–cold and lifeless,

What did Zoe say?

Did Nash marry her for the shares his grandfather held?

Nina’s gaze went blank as she turned away, peering through the half–concealed crack to see the scene inside. She saw Zoe standing, her emotions a bit agitated, while Nash sat with his legs crossed on the sofa, his eyes showing no hint of emotion.

“Yeah,” he simply replied.

Nina’s face turned deathly pale, shock evident in her eyes.

No wonder he married her; it was all part of a deal.

No wonder on their wedding night, he said there would be no intimacy between them, made her realize her status.

She was just a pawn from the beginning.

Once he got what he wanted, he could let go, hence the three–year contract.

and he

you wouldn’t compromise easily, but is this

eyes remained calm, and his lips barely moved. “I

indifferent demeanor infuriated Zoe, who retorted, “So now you’re being good to her. Is that

responding in


heart to shatter, and

compensating her?

tenderness and sweetness she thought she experienced were just his way of making up for his

afraid of crying out, afraid that her disturbance might interrupt

you become such a person, willing to do anything to achieve your goals, even hurting those closest to you! After all, I’ve raised


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to the level of Sally. You’ve truly disappointed

clear, and Nina heard every word distinctly. But she didn’t have the courage to listen

fled, getting farther and farther away

frantic as she descended the stairs and ran outside.

study, Zoe was still reprimanding Nash.

his behavior and her sympathy for

on deaf ears.

any of Nina’s goodness; he was still using her.

extremely cold, indicating he didn’t want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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