Chapter 89

“Nina,” Nash called out to her.

Nina looked up, responding, “Yes?”

“That woman from that night was you,” Nash stated.

Nina’s body tensed for a moment, unable to react normally, but she quickly forced a smile, Mr. York, are you serious? I only got to the scene the next day. I even had Taylor send clothes. for you. If it were me, you would have noticed long before. I wish it were me, maybe we’d already have a child.”

Her casual response made Nash somewhat uncertain. But her attitude showed she didn’t mind, even though he was her husband, sleeping with another woman didn’t seem to bother her.

His tone turned colder, “Then go find out for sure.”

With that, Nash left the hospital room.

Nina’s smile faded as soon as he left, consumed by self–doubt. Before she could dwell on it further, the doctor entered from outside and, seeing only Nina inside, asked, “Where are your family members?”

back to attention, looking up, “Doctor, if you have


at the test report, furrowing his brows

shock as

Nina. She and Nash had only engaged in sexual intercourse once, how could she be pregnant from just

absolutely certain?” she

about one month along, still in a delicate state.

A slight delay was normal, but she

yesterday were quite risky for you or the baby. You mustn’t repeat them. I’ll also remind

disclosing my pregnancy to anyone. It’s good news and I want to surprise my



didn’t push further, “Very well, just ensure you


report to Nina and departed. Nina held onto the report but felt even more

if he considered it a burden and asked her to terminate the pregnancy? They were on the brink of divorce, and the arrival of this child might only add pressure on Nash. She wasn’t sure, yet

the hospital. Stepping outside, she spotted Quincy but not Nash.

some matters to attend to, so he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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