Chapter 98

Moreover, he had only recently returned to the country, which made the situation even more unlikely.

Nina matched his pace as they walked side by side.

Scott relished the feeling of walking with her, a subtle smile adorning his lips.

However, their tranquil moment was abruptly interrupted by a passing car.

As the vehicle approached directly towards them, Scott, fearing it might collide with Nina, instinctively moved to push her to the side, walking along the outer edge of the road.

This scene unfolded directly in front of Nash, who observed it through the rearview mirror.

“Mr. York, Nina is also here, accompanied by a man,” Quincy noticed through the rearview mirror and felt compelled to alert Nash.

Nash’s frosty gaze locked onto Quincy.

Initially, Quincy hadn’t fully grasped the situation, but Nash’s demeanor made it clear that this was not a favorable development.

He mentally berated himself for his oversight.

often couldn’t tolerate their women being in company

had just brought it up right in front of Nash.


woman walking side by

fixed on Nina, as if completely absorbed by her, his gaze narrowing, growing even

very confidently, “Um…

to meet Scott.

his gaze, and coldly ordered, “I’m getting


hurried to open the car door

adjusted his suit button and calmly stepped out, his eyes never once glancing in their direction, as if

gaze shifting towards Nina.


displeasure today would lead to his or Nina’s

could do was hope for the

got out of

to her alma mater?

reaction, lifted his gaze, and addressed,

to face Scott. “What

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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