Chapter 104

At that moment, Nina felt as if struck by lightning, her face drained of color, her body stiff and unyielding.

She wanted to flee the place, but her feet seemed nailed to the ground, unable to move. Her eyes remained fixed on them, unable to look away.

She hadn’t anticipated that by the time she emerged from the restroom, they would have progressed to the point of kissing.

However, the next second, Nash pulled Melody’s hand away. Coincidentally, his gaze met Nina’s, and he paused for a moment. Their eyes met, and for a moment, they exchanged a gaze

filled with doubt and sorrow.

Nash didn’t have time to explain. He simply distanced himself from Melody and spoke coldly,” Miss Wallace, have some self–respect.”

Melody had followed them out from behind. Seeing Nash alone, she intended to make some intimate gestures toward him.

she made the first move, she could have

her away. Perhaps this was his way of playing hard to get.

didn’t think much of it and even smiled, flipping her hair coquettishly. “Mr. York, didn’t you agree earlier? Don’t you like

one could resist her. Nash’s face turned ice–cold, a hint of disdain in his deep gaze. “Miss Wallace, if you want to degrade yourself, I have no objection. However, I’m not the kind of man who dallies

York, I’m

tone was

abroad, so when I encounter someone I like, I tend to be more assertive. I hope I didn’t scare you, Mr. York. If you don’t like this approach, I

entangling with her, once again stating coldly, “I don’t like you, Miss Wallace. Don’t waste your efforts!”


by women, especially not by someone as persistent as

Nina’s reaction, whether she would feel jealous even just a little bit, but she had simply walked out, indicating that she felt nothing.

looked at Nina, who was standing at the door, seemingly stunned, perhaps thinking there was something between him and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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