Chapter 106

“I’m sorry, Mr. York. It was my fault today for not intervening in time, causing you discomfort. I’ll make sure to avoid such occurrences in the future.” Nina quickly apologized, fearing his anger might escalate into a big issue.

She apologized promptly and didn’t argue back, prompting Nash to comment again, “You realize your mistake quickly. Now, let me ask you, was it in the interest of the company or personal reasons?”

Her actions just now were indeed driven by personal feelings. She might have felt upset, but she remained silent.

Nina responded, “Of course, it’s in the interest of the company. As long as I serve as your secretary, I must be accountable for my actions. Mr. York, you can dock my salary, I won’t complain.”

Mr. York was suddenly speechless, visibly displeased. Yet, he couldn’t pinpoint any fault. And he didn’t bother to do so.

Mr. York pursed his lips, his expression darkening instantly. He released her, distancing himself as if their conversation had never happened.

Nina felt relieved, thinking she had passed the test, but she noticed Mr. York’s expression turning even darker. Adhering to her duties as a secretary, she cautiously probed, “Mr. York, aren’t you coming in? You haven’t eaten much, are you hungry?”

Quincy and let’s go home

Wallace had worsened his mood further. He was always unpredictable, making it difficult to gauge his emotions. Nina didn’t dwell on it

she received a message from Scott, expressing concern about her prolonged absence. She reassured him of her safety and mentioned

responded with a simple,

it odd that while Scott maintained a distance, he was also attentive and caring. It was a

further as he inquired, “What were

caught off guard by the sudden questioning. She hadn’t fully processed Scott’s confession to her, and now Mr. York was pressing


hiding the truth: “We just talked about some memories from our school days, exchanged a few words, nothing serious.”

a decade ago so clearly. Your memory is


grip: “Can events from over a decade ago be forgotten so

what it is,” Mr. York


York furrowed his brows slightly, rubbed his temples, closed his eyes, and nonchalantly replied, “It’s been over a decade, I’d rather not remember.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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