Such words left Nina somewhat shocked; she had never imagined hearing them from his mouth.

His kisses started gently but grew increasingly forceful, imbued with his possessiveness, leaving Nina feeling dazed. When she felt a chill as he undid her nightgown, the piercing coldness snapped her back to reality.

She glanced at her abdomen, her heart skipping a beat, then forcefully pushed Nash away, "No!"

Nash, who had been deeply engrossed, snapped out of it with her forceful push. Seeing Nina's drastic reaction and sensing her resistance to his touch, he felt a mix of astonishment and displeasure.

His eyes, previously filled with desire, immediately cooled, lips pursed as he coldly questioned, "Are you guarding yourself for Scott, or for Zac?"

Her strong reaction and rejection of his touch could only mean one thing-she was guarding herself for the man she truly loved.

Nina's hand instinctively rested on her belly; there was a child growing inside her. She couldn't afford to be reckless or impulsive; she was on the verge of making a mistake!

Looking at Nash again, she noticed his face turning cold, his displeasure evident, clearly dissatisfied with her actions.

But what could she do?

He was intoxicated and not in a rational state. The child in her womb was a result of their reckless union while he was intoxicated. She was not only living for herself now but also for the child in her belly.

excuse, "I'm not feeling well, and I don't want

her explanation and sensed her attempt to evade the truth. His displeasure

off the bed and threw her a cold glance, "Since you prefer

without looking back. The door slammed shut with a loud

herself and sat

her belly. She gently stroked

her child.

Gøøglᴇ to

know you exist. Mommy

courage to


lots and lots of

so many times, even callously using her, and each time she had thought they could live


feared that if he deceived her again, her child would not exist. She could only endure the injustice for her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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